John 1:16

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John 1:16

ESV: For from his fullness we have all received, grace upon grace.

Lately Christ has been laying something really important on my heart recently. I regularly struggle with being optimistic. I tend to pick out the bad in every situation and end up just ruining my own day sometimes. Its a bad habit and really unhealthy. Through this verse and a few others, I have been shown how truly blessed we are. I have a roof over my head,clothes on my back,food in my fridge and incredible friends/family, what more could I need.Besides that, life itself is an amazing blessing. We have received grace upon grace, blessing upon blessing. Do remind myself of all of life's blessings-big and small, I started a really cool project. Its a notebook I've entitled 1000 Blessings. Whenever I experience/think of a new blessing, I have been adding them to a numbered list in this notebook. My goal is to reach 1000 blessings and I'm sure I will be able to easily surpass that. If you struggle with being optimistic or just need that extra push, I challenge you to join me! Its going to be quite the experience looking back at what I thought was a blessing then and how my perspective has changed. So far my list has grown to 200 blessing and has included:

121) Wrapping Presents

122) The feeling after a good workout

123) Travelling

124) Laughing until your stomach hurts

125) Christian Friends

126) Cold lemoaide on a hot summer day

127) People who are passionate about an issue

128) The beach

129) Unexpected music jam sessions with friends

130) spontainiously breaking out into song

131) plants

132) Our ability to adapt

Use some of mine or make your own and get your list started. This book has helped me SO much in the past few weeks, and its such a neat little idea. I seriously challange you guys to try it. It dosent have to be 1000 blessings make your own number, but I can assure you... you wont regret it!! From the little things to the big things we truly are unbelievably blessed, grace upon grace!


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