Proverbs 27:17

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Proverbs 27:17

NCV: As iron sharpens iron, so people can improve each other.

Meaning: When you become a Christian, it doesn't mean that your life is going to be an easy road and not difficult. There's going to be trials and when people share their testimonies, it shows so many different examples of how God uses those situations to bring his children closer to him or welcome new people into his family! Throughout your Christian walk, it's so important to talk with people and just share what you are going through our how God has poured into your life! I find this really helpful! Talking with other believers and learning and encouraging one another is a great way to grow it your faith! Like this verse says, iron sharpens iron, so we can improve, encourage and just be there for each other!

••• So after spending two weeks at CBC (the camp Megan and I were at) I really wanted to share this verse! One of my favourite parts of the camp day was hearing counsellors testimonies and one of the message from them that stick with me was how they would say thy the Christian walk isn't a easy one and through their life stories showed how other followers of Christ had poured into their lives! Also, I loved the time when we were able to just talk to the counsellors and share with one another whats going on in our lives. So I really want to challenge you to get involved with a youth group, attend a Christian camp and talk to other people who share the same faith as you! Encourage each other :) Pray for one another and show each other love!

Jesus loves you all so much!! Always remember that :)


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