Ecclesiastes 11:9

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Today's verse: Ecclesiastes 11:9

NIV: You who are young, be happy while you are young, and let your heart give you joy in the days of your youth. Follow the ways of your heart and whatever your eyes see, but know that for all these things. God will bring you into judgment.

NCV: Young people, enjoy yourselves while you are young; be happy while you are young.

Do whatever your heart desires, whatever you want to do. But remember that God will judge you for everything you do.

Meaning: Growing old is inevitable. We will all grow old some day and will be unable to do the things we could do when we were young. This verse tells us that while we are young we should enjoy ourselves! Take risks, have fun and step outside of your comfort zone sometimes. For when you are old, you will wish you would have spent your youth differently! Have fun while you can! Don't let anyone tell you that you can't do something. People tend to underestimate youth! If you have a dream, chase it! Just have fun while you can! This verse tells us we should go an live our lives! But, it dose say that God will judge everything! So ya, go out and have fun. Meet new people and even go to a couple party's. Don't however, do anything that goes against Gods word because he sees all and will give you what you deserve in the long run.

Take action: Don't just survive life, go live it! God wants us to have fun and live our lives! So, step outside of your comfort zone. If there's something you've always wanted to do, go do it! Ive always wanted to write a book and have it published! As of now, this is as close to a published book as in going to get! I'm proud of that! I've always wanted to go to Australia or New Zealand and once I'm done high school I'm hoping I'll be able to make that happen! Follow your dreams guys, they were given to you for a reason! Try something new, but always remember to think if God would approve of this or not! Because ultimately, he decides your future!

Hey guys! So in today's post I talked a lot about following your dreams and living life to the fullest! I shared my dreams of writing and publishing a book and traveling to Australia or New Zealand! Our dreams were given to us for a reason so follow them! I'd absolutely love to hear your dreams or life goals! Leave them in the comments below! I'll try to reply to all of them! Anyways, have a blessed night guys!

-Taylor <3

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