Matthew 28:6

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Matthew 28:6

NLT: He isn’t here! He is risen from the dead, just as he said would happen. Come, see where his body was lying.

Meaning: Jesus is alive! Hallelujah!! Easter Sunday (yesterday) is such and awesome day cause it's one of the focal points of Christianity, our Savior is risen! Death has been conquered, our sins forgiven, we are able to be with Christ for eternity. I never used to understand why on Good Friday, the curtain in the temple was torn in 2 {Mark 15:38}. But now I get it... the curtain was separating the temple from the Holy of Holy's which is where only the priests could go, but when God torn it, it showed not only his power, but that no matter who you are, you can come to Christ just as you are because he died for you and rose again, overcoming sin!! You see, only God could tear the curtain from top to bottom. We worship a living God, one who loves us, cares for us and who the grave could not contain!

Hope you had a lovely Easter weekend :)

Jesus loves you all!!


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