John 1:16- Grace Upon Grace

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NIV: Out of his fullness we have all received grace in place of grace already given.

ESV: For from his fullness we have all received, grace upon grace

Meaning: I heard this verse and a lot of the ideas in this post when listening to an incredible podcast series called "Anything and Everything" and they talked about this idea of Grace upon Grace. I absolutely loved it so I wanted to share it with you all!

Grace is an absolutely amazing concept and something that I think is hard for us as humans to grasp, giving something to someone who totally doesn't deserve it. And in our case, we didn't deserve God's grace at all. Yet out of his love, out of his compassion, we have all received this incredible gift of grace!! I love how in this verse not only does John say that we receive grace, which is 100% true, but it's like he's trying to emphasis it by saying grace UPON grace. It's as if it's just overflowing and can't be contained, which leads me to my next point. It's out of God's fullness that we receive his grace, so like God is so full of grace that it just overflows and rains down on us! An analogy that was used in the podcast was this comparison to the ocean. The waves are such a steady thing, every few seconds they always come crashing in. God's grace like that, steady and constant and never will run dry... what a beautiful picture!

Take Action: God's grace  always present in our lives and he's always pouring it out on us, even through struggles and difficult times. Take the time to open your eyes and see the blessings in your life, see how God is moving you and see that grace upon grace!

So like I mentioned already, "Anything and Everything" is an amazing podcast series hosted by a couple Jeff and Alyssa. They are so incredible to listen to and they have so many awesome ideas and insights that they share... check them out!! I love listening to them and being refreshed and really thought- provoked by what they say! A lot of the things I shared in today's post came from 1 of their episodes (#5) so go and listen to it for yourself, I guarantee you will be hooked!

Hope all you lovelies are having a great week, thanks for reading:)


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