Numbers 11:1

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Numbers 11:1

TLB: The people were soon complaining about all their misfortunes, and the Lord heard them. His anger flared out against them because of their complaints, so the fire of the Lord began destroying those at the far end of the camp.

Meaning: It's easy to get caught up in all the negative going around us and complain about things we don't like, that annoy us or whatever it may be. As we read in this verse, God doesn't like when we complain, here in particular he becomes so angry he began destroying those at the far end of he Israelite camp! This was after God had delivered them from the Egyptians and given them manna and quail from the sky to eat and watched over them a protected them- you'd think that they would be thankful and praising God instead of complaining to Him about their misfortunes. God has given us so many amazing gifts in each of our lives, yet daily we still complain about little things. Instead, stay positive! Praise God for all the amazing things he has done!

Take Action: There are obviously days where things aren't going to go the way we had hoped or someone said something that annoyed you and we just want to complain. At these times, take a second, calm down and instead, thank God for something that he did in your life today or even something simple. Be positive :) Patience is something else that comes into play, but I challenge you to think about what you say and whether it is more negative or positive and encouraging!

QOTD{Quote of the Day}: Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God -Corrie Ten Boom :)

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