Romans 14:1

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today's verse: Romans 14:1

NIV: Accept the one whose faith is weak, without quarreling over disputable matters.

NCV: Accept into your group someone who is weak in faith, and do not argue about opinions.

Meaning: Everyone's at a different point in their spiritual journey. Three years ago I would never have believed I would be saved and have this close of a relationship with God. This verse tells us that we should just accept people. It doesn't matter what religion or how far they are into their walk with God, they all deserve the same respect. One of theeeee most annoying things is people arguing over their faith. Some people think they are "experts" and decide to argue with you. This verse tells us that's not what our Heavenly Father wants. Yea, go ahead and correct someone or bring up your faith that's perfectly fine! Just don't push your religion on people or start an argument it is the worst thing! You wouldn't want to displease our father!

Take action: Next time someone challenges you to an argument think of this verse! Memorize it so when u come to those situations you will remember what God wants you to do. Another thing you could do is send a prayer to God asking for him to help you spread the word of our saviour without being too pushy.

I hope all you lovelies had a fabulous day! Remember to always be grateful, even for the little things! Always thank God for each day :)
God Bless <3

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