Megans testimony

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As you all heard from the big announcement, I'm Megan, and I'm the newest member of DaughterOfTheFather! So for my first post I'm going to share my testimony instead of deconstructing a bible verse!

My testimony isn't as interesting as some peoples may be, I haven't had a experience that changed my life, but its an amazing story because it means another one of God's child has come to know him and surrender everything to him. So here I go!

I was born on August 7th into a very christian and religious family. We went to church every Sunday, my parents went to bible studies, and we read from the bible and did daily prayers. When I was 7 I had come home from a day at a Christian bible camp and I realized I wanted God in my life and I wanted to go to heaven, so by myself not really knowing What to do, I prayed and asked Jesus to forgive all my sins and I told him I wanted to start living for him now. Nothing really changed in my life from that point on until I was 13. I was in the bathroom getting ready for bed, and I instantly felt the holy spirit screaming at the top of his lungs for me to start a Christian based club at our school. So I immediately emailed Katie and Taylor and told them this great idea and we started working on it right away! Unfortunately because of school issues this club never happened, but it encouraged me to get baptized! So last summer I made the decision that it was my time to get baptized! I was at the same camp again last summer (the one that I came home from when I was 7 and accepted Jesus into my heart) with Taylor and Katie, and we were doing worship, and all of a sudden we all had a huge moment where we could all feel the holy spirit and we broke Down Surrendering our life's to God, this camp has changed my life. I feel that I am very holy the whole 2 weeks that I go to camp, but when its over it just all fades I challenge myself as I started my first day of this camp today, to bring my faith and religion everywhere I go even after camp is over! I encourage all of you to go to a Christian based camp because you learn so much about God and its soo soo soo amazing to continue your faith in the summer as well!!! Anyways at this point in my life I still haven't encountered a huge godly situation but I know God will give one to me when the time comes and I am so ready for that day!!! :)

Anybody that wants to be saved can message us and we would be so happy to help you and anyone that wants to just tell us thekr testimony would be great to hear aswell!! Its always great to know more people are coming to know Jesus and live for him


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