John 14:27

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NCV: “I leave you peace; my peace I give you. I do not give it to you as the world does. So don’t let your hearts be troubled or afraid.

 NIV:  Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.

Meaning: God left us with peace. He left the earth knowing that we could have a peace of mind because he is God, and he can make anything happen. He died for us, so he could take our sins away. This verse is something that I need to remind myself about. The world gives us struggles and problems that we have to face, but God never gives us more than we can handle. The world gives us things that are only conditional.  Conditional love, conditionl friends, conditinal possesions! But God can give us everything we need and it is unconditional. He never runs out and he will always fufill our needs wholeheartedly. Do not let our hearts be troubled. Do not be afraid. Isaiah 41:10 "So do not fear, for i am with you." Why do we worry about things, the outcomes of today or tomorrow. Why waste our thoughts and over think and become anxious, when we can be happy and praise what we have now. People that over think, people that worry about things ahead of time stress more. They become more anxious, more worries build up and they get afraid. But why? God is with you. He will take care of you and you need to remember that. Cast your worrries upon God. There is no need for burrdens on your back. The Lord wants to free you from your worrying so you can get back to peace and comfort in the ways of the Lord!  From stories i've heard, the Lord can appear to you in many ways and some can be frightning or very overwhelming. Take some time someday. Turn off your phone, laptop, take your head phones out, put down the book, and just listen. Is the Lord trying to tell you soemthing? Is he trying to tell you not to be afraid anymore? From my own experience, I know that carrying your own weight of your burrdens and fears and worries are super hard. It literally weighs you down until you are to tired to do anything and you don't have to motivation to do anything anymore. God says do not let your hearts be troubled. Don't let the wicked ways of the world trouble you. Its not worth your time.  Rather, go out and teach others about God, and in this, dont worry about what others will think. Everything connects and comes back to God. God is out main source and we always have to come back to him!


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