We are back!!!

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Hi everyone!! Wow, it's been SO long since we've posted anything here on Wattpad, and for that we apologize, we realized that posting everyday isn't practical for us with homework and activities and the busyness life in general! So from now on we will be posting 3 times a week- Monday {me, Katie}, Wednesdays {Taylor} and Thursdays {Megan} so you can all look forward to that! We're super pumped to be back!! Feel free to keep sending us your questions or prayer requests or whatever!

To start off this new season, I'd like to look at verse verse of motivation, conviction: Matthew 28:19-20 which says:

 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,  and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” (NIV)

This is a verse that you may have heard before, I'd say it's a pretty common one, but still one that has a real weight to it. This is the great commission, Jesus instructions on spreading his love. When I read it through, I noticed the word go. Not if you feel like it, not if the opportunity comes up but just go. Go and make disciples. Be bold, Be strong, no exceptions- go. And then the last part..."I am with you always". We can go into this world and spread the love, the grace and the hope that Jesus brings, knowing and resting in the fact that he will be by our side very step of the way. So wherever you live, whatever you situation, know that. And put it into action... go!

I hope that the rest of your week is absolutely fabulous, until next Monday:)

❤ Katie

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