Romans 12:12

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Romans 12:12

ESV: Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.

I briefly talked about this verse in an old post, but I really wanted to highlight it today because I've been thinking about this topic lots lately!

Meaning: I love to keep this verse in the back of my mind at all times! It's a grey one to have in your "go-to verses" list as it is a great encouragement yet also comes with a challenge. Personally, something I have a hard time with is patience. We all have those moments where we just want things to be done the way we want it to when we want it. Especially, specifically in more difficult times, we can become impatient towards God because we want things done in our time. It's important to remember that Gods timing is perfect and he's got a plan that's even better then what our plan may be!

Challenge: I challenge you to pursue what this verse has to say, it's great advice from God. When good things happen, rejoice! Praise God and thank him! When roughy waters hit, continue to seek God, be patient and allow him to take control! Finally, through it all, remain faithful in prayer. " Pray through the storm, but keep rowing for the shore" Great quote :) Through tribulations, keep praying and be patient! If you do struggle with patience, or even remaining faithful in prayer, talk to God about! Seek and you will find!

Hope you are all enjoying your week! Our God is awesome :)


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