1 John 4:7 ( Love Part 2)

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Hey fam!

So welcome back to the second post of my mini three part series of verses about love and how to love. Today we will be looking at the importance of love I guess. I loved reading ALL of your comments last post and I'm so glad all of you guys accepted my challenge! Today the verse will be from John.

1 John 4:7

Dear Friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves had been born of God and knows God.

There is actually so many thing I love about there verse. First of all I like how it refers to us as "friends." As Gods people we are all friends. I want all of you guys to know that if you need a friend or someone to talk to, we are all here. God is accepting and so is the Christian community ( or that's how it should be.) Friends should build each other up, keep each other accountable and be there each other. As fellow Christians that's what we should all strive to do, we should help make each other better. As hard as it can be to love everyone, it's what we should do. Friends are supposed to be kind and love. Love the people who hurt you, the people who are nice to you and the people you might consider "weird." I know it sounds much easier said than done, I still struggle with it. It's always something for all of us to work on. This verse tells us that one of the biggest thing that sets aside Christians from people of this world is how we love. Anybody can love a select few people, but God and Gods people should strive to show love to everyone. Love is something everyone needs, so next time you find it hard to love someone, put yourself in their shoes. The same God that loves you, loves them too. That alone is a huge reason to love them, to love as God does. This week I challenge you guys to pick someone who needs love, or someone you have a hard time loving. Maybe it's that annoying aunt or uncle, the teacher nobody likes, that girl in your class that talks non stop. Pick somebody that you struggle with loving and I challenge you to focus on loving them this week. Love is so so important guys.


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