1 Timothy 4:7

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Today's verse: 1 Timothy 4:7

NIV: Have nothing to do with godless myths and old wives' tales; rather, train yourself to be godly.

NCV: But do not follow foolish stories that disagree with God's truth, but train yourself to serve God.

Meaning: You hear about people trying to prove God doesn't exist all the time. It's quite a popular topic! It's talked about on TV, at school and even in the workplace. One of the biggest things is the theory of evolution. Evolution is something some people strongly believe in and like other things, will try to shove it down your throat. Everyone has string opinions and we just have to accept that! But, the idea that we came from animals is completely crazy. God tells us that he delicately hand crafted all the animals and us, there is no way we evolved from them. People talk, there is always going to be people with ideas that don't agree with Gods word. Like this verse says, you must learn how to filter things and train yourself to not believe in ungodly things. Train yourself to serve God! Do good and let non believers know your religion! Tell them about it! But remember, there is a fine line between telling people about how great our God is and shoving it down their throats!

Take action: When people tell you stories or their theory on how humans came to be, stop an think about things. Think wether or not what they are saying goes against Gods word. Think carefully about whether or not God would approve! It may be a hard thing to do sometimes but believe me it helps! Like always, you can pray about this too!

I hope you all had a great day! I spent my day back to school shopping. I'm not the biggest fan of school but you gotta think, there is less fortunate people that would absolutely love to go to school! So, face each and every day with a positive attitude. Be humble and thankful in everything you do!


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