Copping with grief

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So this post will be a little different but I thought I should do it anyways. I always love reading real life stories that can be relatable so I decided to share mine.

So in September, near the beginning of the school year, my grandpa had symptoms of a stroke, so they took him to the hospital. They did some tests and found out he had brain cancer. It was a real shocker for everyone because he had had perfect health for as long as we can remember and was working up until that point. They found out he had esophagus cancer that spread to his brain and he probably had it for around 5 years without knowing. He underwent radiation to try and slow it down, but it didn't do much. We went and visited him almost everyday because we knew we didn't have much time left. He started going down hill and eventually went into a hospice until he passed away. A few days before he did pass away I visited him for the last time. By this point he didn't remember who anyone was or what was going on and he hardly ever spoke. But I went in the room anyways, I held his hand and he said to me "it's okay". Trying to give me peace in the fact that he'll be going to heaven soon. A few days later we got the news that he had passed and everything became different. I could go on forever about my grandpa and how amazing he is..but that's besides the point. After his death I questioned God and why he had to do this to my grandpa. He was my biggest role model to me and to manyyyy other people in my church, his Co workers and more. I was angry at God, and didn't understand why. I knew God does everything for a reason but I had a hard time copping with it. Eventually It started to become clearer to me. After he was gone, that was when we really started to realize how great he was and how much he strived to be like God. Because he is gone, it makes me work that much harder to gain a relationship with God and it helped our family become closer. Because he is gone I am stronger. I have more faith in the Lord, and the plans he has for us. Lastly, because he is gone, I am able to turn to God when I miss my grandpa, when the pain comes back. But God always always always is there and open to listen. For anyone that has ever lost anybody, no matter how close they are to you, you can always turn to God to cope with it. Without God we would be lost with no one to turn to or put our hope and trust in.

This verse was really comforting throughout the hardest times

2 Corinthians 1:3-4  "Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort,who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God."

The God of all comfort, he comforts us in our times of troubles so that when someone else is hurting, we can comfort them through their hard times from what we've learned through God.

God is our comfort. Go to him for comfort.


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