Psalm 37:1-2

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NIV: Do not fret because of those who are evil

    or be envious of those who do wrong;

 for like the grass they will soon wither,

    like green plants they will soon die away.

NCV: Don’t be upset because of evil people.

    Don’t be jealous of those who do wrong,

 because like the grass, they will soon dry up.

    Like green plants, they will soon die away.

Meaning: Dont be mad at people who are mean, dont hold a grudge and constantly remind people of what they've done. Don't get upset of someone's done something wrong like cheated on a test, or did something they weren't aloud to.  God will find a consequence.  It's not up to us to be mad and tattle on others.  God see's everything and knows how to handle it himself.  If they are acting evil like this because they dont have God in they're life they will soon die off....the only way to live is through Christ Jesus our lord.  I love how they compared it to plants dying away and slowly disappearing. Don't worry about those who do wrong, as long as your not, God will take care of those.

take action: simplest thing...just dont worry. Don't be mad, Dont get angry with God that someone got away with cheating and such, because God will put another obstacle in their life. Remember, God doesn't do this to literally punish us and make us suffer, he wants us to learn lessons, and come closer to him.

   I hope you all doing great. remember if you meed help or have questions you can always message us :)


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