Psalms 103:13

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Psalms 103:13

NIV: As a father has compassion on his children,

so the Lord has compassion on those who fear him;

NVC: The Lord has mercy on those who respect him,

as a father has mercy on his children.

Happy Fathers Day everyone! So I hope you all had a wonderful day and took the time to celebrate the amazing gift of fathers that God has put into our lives! Today at church we had a really great sermon all about what a father is and attributes that a father should have... But then I got thinking about the attributes WE should have towards the dads/ father figures in our lives. Loving, compassionate, respectful and forgiving to name a few. Our dads are not perfect and at times, they are gonna mess up, but, like the bible commands us, we need to forgive them! If the father figure in your life however does not know Jesus as his personal saviour, I encourage you to pray for them and introduce them to Gods amazing love:) Remember that we not only have our earthy fathers, but our Heavenly Father as well who loves us and cares for us like our dads here on earth:)

Take Action: Be sure to spend time with your dad. Talk to him. Pray with/for him. And be thankful for the dad/father figure God has given you!

As always if u have any prayer requests or need advice, we'd love to talk to you!! Night everyone!:)


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