Galatians 6:9

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NCV: Let us not become weary in doing good,for at the proper time we will reap a harvesteven we do not give up.


We must not become tired of doing things We will receive our harvest of eternal life at the right time if we do not give up.

Meaning: We are sent on this earth to do good things for people, to show people Christ. We have to stay strong no matter how hard it may be to do good things whether for ourselves or for someone else! Sometimes, it is difficult to do the right thing when it seems like everyone else around is doing the wrong thing. God says that if we keep doing good things, he will give us what we deserve eventually when the time is right. He has perfect timing for everything, so do not think he doesn't know what he's doing.

For those of you who are in high school or have been through it, it may be difficult to do the right thing because everyone around you is trying to influence you to do something else. Sometimes we let those voices get in our heads and we let them control us, which is something we shouldn't let happen. Do not become tired of doing good, do not become weary because in the end we will give hs praise for our right doings, just like we praise him!!

*** I want to remind everyone what Christmas is about! Christmas isnt about presents or even about family. Yes family is important over the holidays but the birth of Jesus Christ is really what we are celebrating! Some people may not have families to celebrate with but they can still praise God through it because Jesus is the reason for the season! Remember that! JESUS IS THE REASON FOR THE SEASON :)


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