Proverbs 15:13

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Proverbs 15:13

NCV: Happiness makes a person smile, but sadness can break a person's spirit.

Meaning: We all have things we don't tell, secrets we keep within us. Even though you think you may know someone, chances are you don't! Because of this, we must always be kind and happy. You never know, maybe that person gets beaten at home, maybe their family member died today. It only takes one smile, compliment or kind gesture to brighten their whole day! So, be kind and happy towards everyone. Smiling is truly contagious! Sometimes we don't even understand how huge of an impact a little " your hair looks really nice" or "I really like your shoes" can go. On the other hand, we mustn't be sad! If you walk around being sad, rude and unhappy you are just gonna make your day and everyone else's worse! It's already a blessing to be awake and alive to see another day, wake up each morning and smile about that! People don't need your bad mood to bring them down!

Take action: Like I said, you don't really know everything about a person. We all have secrets we won't tell. Put on a happy face and be kind. Even though somebody may look confident and happy, they may not be. I challenge you guys to be kind this week. Go out of your way to make other peoples day. A smile will come from their happiness.

If any of you are the artsy type and would be willing to make a new cover for this book that would be awesome! Message me if your willing to or for more info :)

Ps. Everyone looks 10 times more beautiful when they smile....have a happy heart, you'll smile more!

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