Romans 3:21

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But God has a way to make people right with him without the law, and he has now shown us that way which the law and the prophets told us about.


But now apart from the law the righteousness of God has been made known, to which the Law and the Prophets testify.

Meaning: A while ago a reader asked about verse for when you know youve done something wrong and you feel guilt almost. So I've decided to base my post off of that tonight because I think its such a great topic!

So lets say your out with some friends, maybe your going to party and you started drinking and ended up getting drunk. You realized after that, that maybe it wasn't the best decision and you start to get that feeling in the pit of your stomach that wont go away until you confess your wrong doings.

Here's what you do:

You confess to God. He knows what you've done. He knows everything that you do but he want to here you confess the things you do wrong to him which shows you know its bad and you want to fix it. God is not a judgemental person. Because you did one thing wrong doesn't mean he's going to zap you to hell right away. This verse clearly states that besides keeping his 10 commandments, there are other ways to be clean with God. Such as asking for forgiveness. Because we are human we will mess up all the time and we need a way to get close to God again. So he created forgiveness. I myself have screwed up many times and I know all of you have too. All you have to do is have a one on one chat with the one and only God. Tell him what you did wrong tell him you want to fix it and he can wipe your slate clean to start all over again. It's amazing what God can do. So next time you do something wrong, no matter how bad it may be, God will always always always forgive you if you ask him too. Hes standing up there with his arms open wide waiting for you to run back to him!!


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