Colossians 4:2-4

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Colossians 4:2-4

NLT: Devote yourselves to prayer with an alert mind and a thankful heart. Pray for us, too, that God will give us many opportunities to speak about his mysterious plan concerning Christ. That is why I am here in chains. Pray that I will proclaim this message as clearly as I should.

Hey guys! This past weekend I was at a youth event in Toronto called the Change Conference and it was honestly one of the most inspiring weekends of my life!! I learned to much about God and his plan for me and about his word.... it was just an all around incredible time! So for the next 3 or 4 posts, I'm just gonna be talking about a few reallllly sweet topics, verses and such that stuck with me from the conference and are amazingly awesome!!:)

The last session of the weekend in particular I found so incredible. The speaker was so passionate and have us such a great challenge I just had to share it with you all!

Go back and read the verse one more time. I am going to break it down just so you can see how amazing it is!

First, prayer! We are told to devote ourselves to prayer! But, the way the speaker said it, when you say "Amen" at the end of a prayer, you aren't finished, you are just starting!! After we pray for certain things, ask for open doors {which I'm going to get to later in thus series of posts}, we need to stay alert for those answered prayers! Yes it may take along time, it may not be the way we expect it, but stay alert! Don't just pray a prayer, then sit back and wait.... Be on the watching and seeking God! Then, when that answer comes, praise God! Be thankful and praise him! His answer doesn't always come in ways we expect it or even they way we hoped or wanted it to, but be thankful! Then Paul [the author of Colossians] makes a specific request....pray for the opportunity for us to share the mystery of Christ! And what exactly is the mystery of Christ? This is what it is: that God came down, humble himself, that he cared to create you and me, that he endured that pain on that cross for a wretched person like me. That he. Died. For. Me. That on that cross he thought of my name and died a horrible death so that you and I can lie in eternity with Christ!!!! Hallelujah!!! Ah that gets me so excited like what an incredible amazing mystery... That God would do everything when we deserted nothing! Share that powerful mystery with others so they can lean about Christ! Pray for those opportunities to share and pour into people's lives! Pray that the message will be given clearly as it should so that the world can know the amazing God we serve!!

This is only one part of this amazing verse and more incredible inspiring stuff I have to share with you guys so check out upcoming posts!

What an awesome God we serve! Have a great night:)


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