Romans 5:3-4

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Romans 5:3-4

NIV:Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope.

Meaning: Things happen, our lives are constantly changing and we are constantly learning. Along the way, many of us may suffer. Wether it be suffering of the loss of a family member or suffering of a broken heart maybe even an illness. We will all experience suffering at some point! However, we mustn't be ashamed of these sufferings. It's though situations like this that show how strong we all really are! Be proud, say to yourself "I made it through" with Christ you can preserve through all situations. It's your situations and experience that give you character. I can honestly say I wouldn't be who I am today if it weren't for all the things Christ had brought me through. Through all of this, we gain hope. When you push through your sufferings you really do learn a lot about yourself, and Christ for that matter! Our Lord won't give you more than you can take, when it seems like nothing's going right, look left! There is always a silver lining to every struggle and situation!

I hope your all having a great Monday! Sorry I didn't post yesterday, life happens and I didn't even realize it was my turn to post!


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