Psalm 119:9

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Psalm 119:9

NIV: How can a young person stay on the path of purity?
By living according to your word.

Meaning: We live in a generation that seems to revolve around sex. Turn on the radio, and you can hear it in just about every popular song today. Turn on the TV, shows like 16 and pregnant or shows based solely around sex. Sex has always been around but in our generation it seems like that's all it's about. It's supposed to be something special, something between two people that love eachother very much. Many people are taught to save it for marriage, however it almost seems impossible in today's world, It's really not. Don't worry about what everyone else is doing, don't worry about not fitting in. When you find yourself pressured in a situation I want you to remember this verse. Live according to this verse. When you find yourself pressured think about glorifying God. Ya, people might not think your "cool" but hey, your cool in Gods eyes. Some people have a hard time talking about this sorta thing but it honestly doesn't bother me. Take a purity pledge, tell yourself you will save it until marriage, you will save yourself for that one special person.

Hope you guys had a great day!

-Taylor :)

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