Isaiah 53:5

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Isaiah 53:5

NIV: But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed.

Meaning: Once again it's time for our Easter mini series! I'm totally reminiscing as I remember sitting in the same spot in my room last year writing about Easter on Wattpad! Anyways, as you all know today is a very significant day in our lives. No, it's not about the candy and chocolate it's the fact that today, our sins were washed away. God sent his one son to pay the ultimate price for us. He was tortured, mocked, pierced and ultimately died for our sins. Through all of Jesus's wounds we were healed, our sins were forgiven. Good Friday should be called something else. Jesus being crucified for our sins is more than GOOD. It's incredible, astounding, unbelievable!! If you ask me, it should be called Forever Free Friday. Jesus's punishment was what has made u forever free on tho incredible Friday. The unbelievable things he went through just so we could be free is something I'm overwhelmingly grateful for! It's so awful that this incredible holiday gets thrown on the back burner. It seems that candy and the Easter Bunny are what is idolized. A magical fake bunny has absolutely nothing on our incredibly real Christ. Don't let society cloud your judgement, make Jesus's unbelievable sacrifice your main focus. However, indulging in some candy is never a bad idea ;)

Have a incredible Good Friday guys! Megan has taken a vacation out of the country to somewhere warm and tropical so Katie and I will be posting for her. Safety when traveling is always big so keep her and her family in your prayers :)


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