~Matthew 6:20~

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Verse for today: Matthew 6:20

NVC: But store your treasures in heaven where they cannot be destroyed by moths or rust and where thieves cannot break in and steal them.

NIV: But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal.

Meaning: The world constantly is telling/showing us that our value is based on earthly things. Money. Popularity. And pretty much anything else on this earth.... That's how people determine our worth. But the bible tells us differently.... That we shouldn't store up our "treasures" in this world, cause each and everyone of those things don't last because when Jesus comes back to earth, all of them will be gone, but it will not even matter to us cause if you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Saviour, you will be spending eternity with him! That's way way better then anything on this earth!! People can take any object or thing that we own, it can grow old, rust or break, but nothing like that can happen to the treasures we store in heaven and our faith in Jesus! When you think about it, the time we spend on earth is so small compared to the endless eternity we will spend with Jesus in a unimaginable, sinless and perfect heaven! That's pretty amazing:)

Taking action:
Remember that the things of this earth will not last forever and are not what are important in life.... The purpose of life is to shine a light for Jesus in the darkness of the world and live our lives for him!! So don't store your treasures down here, store them up in heaven:)

Have a great rest of the week and God bless:)


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