Romans 10:14~ Do You Pray?

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Romans 10:14

NIV: How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?

Please take a minute to watch that attached video or search in YouTube "Dear Christian: Do You Pray." It's a great video so check it out!

Like the video said at the beginning, prayer is one of the most commonly negated aspects of Christianity, yet it's so important!! People often ask why pray, what's the point. Firstly, it is proof! It shows that you are a Christian! Like Romans 10:14 says, we call on the one we believe in, showing that, yes, we believe. It also shows that we know we are insufficient and this is the point I'm going to focus on. We tend to pray for just the big things on our life, big decisions, big problems. This suggests that we really only need God's help and guidance for the major aspects of our lives and that is not true! We need God daily in our lives and the reason for this being we sin daily. Asking God  to help and guide you with the daily things, like turning away from temptation of watching what you say is key because those things can lead to sin.

Prayer is an incredible thing, we are able to talk to the creator of the universe... and he listens :)


Hope you all are doing great, it's been a while since we have posted! Megan, Taylor and I spent the day yesterday at the camp we are serving at this summer and it was a great time, I can't wait to see what God had planned for the summer time!!

God bless

~ Katie

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