Matthew 5:16

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Today's verse: Matthew 5:16

NIV: In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.

NCV: In the same way, you should be a light for other people. Live so that they will see the good things you do and will praise your Father in heaven.

Meaning: All of you brothers and sisters of Christ are little flickers of light. Our goal is not just to be a little flicker, it's grow into a beautiful radiating light that engulfs everyone. This verse talks about how we all need to be a light for other people, we need to show them Gods love through our actions! Be that person that people say to "wow you must really love Jesus, your always so kind and happy." Show other people the love and light of God through yourself! Let those people see your good deeds. For when your in heaven, our incredible father will reward you! He will reward you with heavenly things that will last an eternity nothing like money or possessions that will disappear on earth. But remember, don't ever just do things for the reward!

CHALLENGE: Instead of take actions I will occasionally be doing challenges! Message me or let me know in the comments if you complete them, Id loveee to hear about it! So this posts challenge is to spread awareness in your community. Grow you little flicker of light! Make drawings of bible verses and post them around town, hand out flyers to people inviting them to come to your church, write cute sayings like "Jesus thinks your to die for" and hand them out around town. The possibilities of what you could do are endless! This is such a rewarding challenge so I really think you should all try it out!

Hey guys! Like Katie already said, our grad was so awesome! Me as Katie both got awards and I was glad to see people getting rewarded for their actions! So tomorrow morning we leave for a week long school trip! If we are able to post we will do so, if not we will at least try to answer messages. We will be back with regular posts on Thursday or Friday so please stay active guys!
Have a great week everyone! God bless you and remember how strong his undying love for you is! Byeee everyone!!


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