Matthew 13:45-46

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Matthew 13:45-46
The Pearl Of Great Price Parable

NIV: Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it.

NCV: Also, the kingdom of heaven is like a man looking for fine pearls. When he found a very valuable pearl, he went and sold everything he had and bought it.

Meaning: Just like Katie mentioned in her last post, Rend Collective is an amazing band! They have so many great songs so I thought id share
another one with you today! It's called All That I Am! It has some great bible references in it, here is one:

"Pearl beyond price, greater than life
All that I am for all that You are"

This reference is to the Peal Beyond Price Parable. In this parable it compares finding Christ and Heaven to a merchant looking for pearls! You can look for lots of pearls, not all are of the same value however. Once you find that valuable pearl, you sell your other pearls, it's a sacrifice. The same goes for when you find Christ. Your relationship with Christ is the best pearl, it's so valuable! But if you want that relationship you'll have to make sacrifices in your life. These sacrifices may include leaving other things behind.But in the grand scheme of things, leaving those things or "pearls" of little value behind is so worth it for the Pearl Beyond Price. So to sum up this verse and song, sometimes you have to give up things in your life for Jesus, but it really will be worth it!
All that I am for all that you are :)

So once again I really recommend alllll of Rend Collectives music, I feel like they aren't your typical worship band, their music has a fun feel yet is very meaningful! :D God Bless!


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