Good Friday

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Hey everyone

Over the past week or so we've been having some technical difficulties with our book, hopefully we can get back to posting regularly soon :)

Today is a very important, somber yet in its own way amazing day for believers. Jesus, being the perfect, completely innocent, Son of God died. He died a brutal and horrific death, he was beaten and whipped and mocked. He took upon him all the sin of every single person who will ever walk this earth, even though he was totally innocent. I've heard this story many times, but when you to stop, read the story and just think about the imagine what this must have been like 2000 years ago for the people who hated him, loved him and for Jesus himself. This sacrifice, this ultimate act of love and grace and forgiveness... for you. And for me and for all of us.

Below is a link to one of my favourite devotions (She Reads Truth) post for today, I'd really encourage you to check it out. Take the time to remember.

It's Friday...

But Sundays coming.


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