John 10:10

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John 10:10

NIV: The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.

NCV: A thief comes to steal and kill and destroy, but I came to give life-life in all its fullness.

Meaning: In your life you will face many thieves! They will come into your life and steal,kill and destroy. These things happen for a reason, everything happens for a reason. These people are full of sin. Thankfully we have a perfect God. He comes to give us live and protect us. He gives an equal chance to everyone and loves each of us dearly, even the thieves. He won't subject us to more than we can take. He won't let these thieves slip away. In the end they will get the judgement they deserve! But for now, he gives us all a chance at a great life!

Take action: Sin is something we all struggle with. Remember to always ask for forgiveness, ask and you shall receive! If your dealing with some thieves in your life remember to love! Kill their hate with your love!! Stepping out of your comfort zone sometimes in needed! You have blessed with a great life, live it to the fullest!

Sorry for such a short post today guys! I'll make it up to you in my next post!! Sleep great, Jesus loves you!


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