♡God does miracles♡

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As you know I was at a christian retreat with my youth on the weekend! We had such a great time getting closer to friends but most importantly God :) We had a session where my pastor spoke and then we did some worship and at the end we had a huge prayer thing where someone would share what they needed prayer for. I wanted to be prayed for but I was too nervous to say why for some reason. Listening to everyone being prayed for made me tear up a lot just because I could feel the spirit of God alive in the room. 2 hours had passed and the last person was prayed for, or so I thought, and my pastor looked at me and he said I feel like we need to pray for you. I just broke down right there and then and burst into tears! For the longest time I have been dealing with a lot of stress. Im constantly worrying over something whether its sports or friendship or keeping my grades up in school or anything else you could imagine. Im just a worrier. I am a perfectionist so if something isnt done the way I like it I kinda have a nervous break down
and its not good. Its been 4 or more months of me dealing with this stress. Sometimes it got to the point where I was almost unhappy all the time. I could put a smile on my face at school so no one would know but id get home and just be depressed. I forgot to turn to God and ask for help. I turned to others things that I shouldn't have and I regret. Anyway, I explained to the group was praying for me that I had a lot of stress in my life and they just prayed. It felt so comforting. My pastor prayed and one specific thing I remember him saying was "I feel like its been a long time since you have rested" and I was like wow! He's good! God gave him the sense of that and I think that's so cool because he hit that dead on! In the end it felt so good that everyone was thinking of me and cared for me. Having a youth group like mine just is such a nice feeling becuase if your having a bad day you can always go to them to cheer you up. They're always there for you no matter what! Anyways! After they prayed I went to grab my phone and while I was getting prayed for my friend sent me this text:

"Megan I understand you. People call u perfect. I admitted it. I do it all the time. But now I understand. People have such high expectations for you. One mark thats down people would be like wow thats so suprising. There is so much pressure on you. Megan you are amazing and I want u to take a breath and realize that failure isnt a bad thing. I am so sorry for ever being rude to you. Please know that im here for you and I understand that your lifes tough but I know u can make it trough and have an amazing life. Please just be happy."

This made my night because she was thinking of me and she took time to send me this heartwarming text! And God answered their prayers. I felt a ton of bricks lifted off my shoulders after that and it felt amazing to finally be set free after being in the stress/depression zone where I couldn't get out of for the longest time. But God set me free. He set me free and he can do miracles. So many other people got relieved from problems that weekend as well and it was so amazing to see!! God is stronger in my life after the past weekend and im gonna work to keep it that way!!


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