Revelation 21:3-4

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Revelation 21:3-4

NKJV: And I heard a loud voice from heaven saying, "Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people. God Himself will be with them and be their God. And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away."

Meaning: The thought of heaven has always boggled my mind. I mean, after we die, if we have a personal relationship with Jesus, we get to live eternally in a perfect, sinless place with our Lord Jesus!! It sounds so amazing!! And as Christians, death is not a fear for us because we know that when we die we are going to a better place... However I am not saying that we should want to die, we should live our lives to the fullest here in earth and shine a light for Jesus through everything we do. This verse says that in heaven, God will wipe away every tear, there will be no sadness, no more pain or suffering! Everything will be perfect because God is perfectly perfect:) Don't you want to spend eternity in a wonderful place like that? It might be hard for us to believe that there is life after death, Jesus conquered death on the cross so we can have eternal life with him! But, the book of Revelation talks a lot about heaven, and we know that the bible is 100% true!:) I have so many questions about heaven an what it is like, but spending eternity with Jesus sounds pretty amazing to me:)

Take Action:
Pray for people you know who don't have a relationship with Jesus (however, we shouldn't judge people saying yep they aren't going to heaven, God is the one who will make the final judgement) and try to be a witness to them for Jesus!!
One of my all time favourite books is "Red Velvet" by Sandra Byrd. It is an amazingly written book that does talk about heaven\death and also about spreading the good news to people around u... It is so so so good I would definitely recommend you to check it out!!

God bless you all:)


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