2 Timothy 3:16-17 & READ YOUR BIBLE

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2 Timothy 3:16-17

NIV: All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.

So, let's talk about the bible. The bible is "God-breathed." It's here to us to teach us, correct us,train us, strengthen us and heal us just to name a few. There is no denying how incredible scripture is. As a teenager it's so easy to get caught up in our daily lives that reading a bible seems like the last thing on our to do list. I'll admit, if you don't understand the bible it can become quite dull at times. It's a struggle we all deal with. The bible can be so confusing that it just seems daunting at times; this is the opposite of what we want. I can honestly tell you I used to dread reading the Old Testament. It was clustered with people,places,times and names that it honestly didn't seem worth my time to read something I didn't understand. Lately I discovered some really cool recourses to help you understand the Old Testament. It just takes a little digging on the internet, there is so many great things out there. Anyways, I really recommend watching the video I have included with this. It's a simplified, five minute version of the OT. It's really great! I can't stress enough the importance of reading your bible. It's honestly so great once you understand it! Really, without it we would know nothing about our incredible God!! I really want you guys to start reading through some of The Old Testament. It has some pretty incredible stories in it, that might just change your outlook on a lot of things! :)

-Taylor :)

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