Genesis 9:16 |Noah

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Genesis 9:16

NLT: When I see the rainbow in the clouds, I will remember the eternal covenant  between God and every living creature on earth.

Meaning: Noah was a God fearing man, he serve the Lord and totally trusted him, which is what his story illustrates. God tells him to build an ark, he obeys. Collect all the animals of the earth? Done. What a faith! After 40 days of rain, and don't forget the large amount of extra time he spent in the boat waiting for land to appear, he still honored God. Many of you have likely heard this story before, one that shows one man's awesome faith, trust and obedience, characteristics I strive to have. Despite those tough times, Noah never gave up and kept his faith anchored in the Lord. After all the time spent in that boat, this first rainbow appeared in the sky and God placed it there as a symbol to remember that he will never flood the earth again. Every time I see a rainbow, not only does it remind me of God's great promise (reminding me to keep the promises I make to others!), but it reminds me to keep my faith strong, trust in God because he knows what he is doing and has everything 100% mapped out! Obey his commands to me and live for him, just like Noah :)


It's nearly Friday!! Sorry about the crazy posting schedule this week, with Megan gone and Taylor and I busy at school, things have been a little crazy. Anyways, enjoy the rest or your week all you lovely people!:)

~ Katie

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