Ch. 41 - Playmate

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Chase POV

"What little game are you two playing?" I chimed with glee, bouncing down the hill leading to the grassy meadow near Drake's cottage. The landscape, adorned with oak trees, created a natural sanctuary where the sun played hide-and-seek through the branches.

Drake just had a fucking tree branch clean through his shoulder and our little pixie was on her knees. My tongue wet my lips in a slow, contemplative circle, savoring the twisted spectacle before me.

"Back off!" Drake sneered at me. He was a beast, and a damn sexy one too.

"I was simply coming to your aid, brother." I walked over to Kiera, ignoring my brute for a sibling. Her breathing was ragged and skin covered in sweat. Images of her body raptured in desire filled me. I had to push the thoughts away though.

The bond between us broke when I rejected her, but the desire to have her was just as strong. She was perfection and I wanted her, but she just tried to kill my brother. How much would we let her get away with before we realized what a true threat she was?

"What trouble are you causing now, pixie?" I held her chin to look up to my face. I needed to see those gorgeous lavender eyes on me.

Drake smacked my hand away with his oversized arm covered in twisted tattoos. He was never any fun. "When I have I ever needed your help." He spat out with bright green eyes, just like mine, swirling with black from his wolf. I guess he was still pissed at me.

He glanced back down at our little mate, a mix of anger and begrudging respect in his eyes. If it were someone else, he probably would had clawed her throat out, but I sensed an undercurrent of genuine admiration for her outsmarting him. This was a dangerous game he was playing, considering it was prophesied she would bring us to our knees, but it was also the type of game I relished in, the thrill of danger, the dance with destiny.

"What are you going to do to her?" I asked with a wicked smile. I was ready to finally play with her. "Can I help?" I licked my lips again while staring down at her.

She was still on her knees and now had my brother and I on each side of her. We could share her body in the most pleasurable ways. My hand rubbed over my rumbling chest, filling with undeniable lust to taste my mate once again.

"This is going to hurt." Drake spoke darkly, grabbing her wrist tight in his hand.

Excitement began bubbling inside me with ways he would torture her. Then he grabbed her bracelet, digging his fingers under it and yanking hard at it. His hand began burning and he growled viscously in pain. This idiot was not doing what I think he was.

Our little pixie let out a piercing scream, "Drake!" Her fingers clutched around his wrist, nails digging in, blood trickling between her fingernails and his skin. Despite her agonized plea, my brother remained resolute in his task, unwavering in his determination to tear the cursed bracelet from her wrist.

I moved quickly to her, uncurling her fingers from Drake's arm then held her arm behind her back. "Be a good little wolf for my brother." I tsked her.

"It hurts!" She cried, her big purple eyes locking onto mine, and I felt the waves of her pain crashing against my resolve. I swallowed hard, fighting against the surge of sympathy threatening to surface.

She had deceived us, betrayed us, nearly claimed one of our own lives... again. I understood she could be our downfall, yet an inexplicable desire to cradle her and ease the excruciating pain she endured tugged at the edges of my soul.

"Shh, Cherie. It will be over in a minute," I whispered, my other hand tenderly cupping her face, thumb gently caressing her smooth skin. I observed, with a heavy heart, as she screamed in pain until the moment the bracelet finally snapped.

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