Ch. 76 - Light

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River POV

I threw on a pair of pants, stewing in both my anger and pleasure. I knew I couldn't let her go, yet every fiber of my being was telling me to send her away.

Chase emerged from the bathroom, body clean and a dumb smirk on his face. "Be back later. Have fun with your evil plot against our goddess." He winked at Drake and I, then grabbed Kiera's hand to pull her out the door.

The way she looked at him, happiness and strength glowing from her body. For a moment, I could see how this would be the perfect life. She would complete us in a way we never imagined possible.

"What are we going to do?" Drake sighed.

"I don't know, but we have to do it fast. Chaos would had marked her if we were alone."

"Demetrius is getting restless too." Drake gave me the same look of defeat. Everything would be so much easier if we could just accept her as ours. "Maybe we are being foolish about this prophecy. I can't picture Kiera harming us?"

My eyebrows shot up at my brother. "Seriously? She has hurt us, and more than once. Her temper is worse than mine." Goddess, that wolf inside her was something amazing just begging to be tamed. 

"She does have a bright fire inside her. I think it makes her ten times harder to resist." Drake sat on his couch, bare chest and only jogging pants on like me. We needed to shower and get fully dressed, but right now, all I wanted to do was relax and soak up the best sex I ever had.

"She will be our end." I whispered, elbows resting to my knees and head in hands. This was so damn confusing.

"We don't know that, River. Kiera is our mate for a reason. Why would the goddess make us all one just so she can destroy us?" Drake looked at me genuinely confused. He didn't realize that the goddess didn't send Kiera here to save us, she was sent here to save everyone else.

"When I was out running I came across the oracles." I cleared my throat as I started to speak.

I had rushed straight back here to warn my brothers of what they told me, and now I wish I wasn't the one to learn the truth.

"What creepy shit did they have to say this time?" He asked.

"Kiera is the light. She has the power to burn away the darkness."

"We somewhat figured that out already. I just don't understand how?"

"We are the darkness, brother." I looked to Drake, my eyes showed the deep fear that I tried hiding. We are the problem, the evil that the prophecy foretells of.

"We have darkness within us, but we aren't evil."

"Aren't we?" My hand rubbed my chin. "We seek to rule the world. Destroy any that stand in our way. Our second wolf, Zeus, only comes out when we are one and wielding the dark magics the forest gifted us... cursed us with."

"We have never ruled unfair or harmed innocents. We are trying to right the wrongs in the world."

I chuckled at him. We have told ourselves this line for over ten years. We would use the darkness within us for good. It was our intentions, but one day we will fail, and Kiera will be the world's savior. The question is, do we stop her?

"She can take our power. She is the light. She will kill us one day, and maybe it is just the way it has to be." I stood, needing to get out of here, needing to wash her intoxicating scent from my skin.

"Are you giving in?" Drake questioned.

"No, we can't mark her or ever claim her. If she is to kill us one day, then she would die too."

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