(GN) Ch. 109 - Another Realm

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Kiera POV

The night held an eerie presence, the ground lightly shrouded in fog and the half-crescent moon casting its mocking glow upon the world. As I continued through my garden, seeking lilacs to adorn my kitchen table, the delicate petals brushing against my fingers and filling the air with their powdery scent, I couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss.

As the gears of my mind began to spin, my senses heightened, trying to decipher the mysterious presence that had unsettled me. Suddenly, a figure emerged in the distance.

Though his face was obscured, I recognized him instantly. A smile spread across my face, and my heart raced with anticipation. Without a second thought, my feet propelled me forward, moving faster than I had thought possible. He was alive, and he was here!

"Chase!" I screamed out to him. He turned to me, a look of confusion on his face. My body lurched forward, and he caught me in his strong arms.

"Cherie! How are you here?" He asked in a low voice.

"Who cares? You're ok, and you're here." I nearly cried, then crashed my lips to his. "I'm so sorry, Chase. Please don't hate me for leaving you." I pleaded for his forgiveness, unable to stop kissing him with everything I had.

"Baby, there is nothing in this world that can make me hate you," Chase confessed between urgent kisses, his hands exploring my body with equal enthusiasm.

"Thank the goddess," I sighed with relief, melting into his embrace. I hadn't realized just how much I had missed him, how much I needed him by my side.

"Wait!" Chase suddenly pulled back, his expression filled with worry. An alarm shot through me as he looked around suspiciously. "Where are we, Kiera? A minute ago, I was sleeping, and now... now I'm here with you."

"We are home. This is my pack house," I reassured him, my arms encircling his neck while his hands rested firmly on my waist. Being held by him felt like the most natural thing in the world.

"The Nightmare Pack?" Chase raised an eyebrow at me, a hint of amusement dancing in his eyes. I knew instantly he did find the name amusing.

"We're rebranding. It's now the Crescent Haven Pack. What do you think?" I asked nervously, biting my bottom lip in anticipation of his response.

"It's perfect. You're perfect," Chase murmured, his lips brushing against my forehead tenderly. "My beautiful little dragon. Goddess, I'm going to cherish every moment we are together."

"Little dragon?" I couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at the unusual pet name. He was such a strange Alpha.

"My brothers and I discovered a book that tells how the purple eyes came to be. Kiera, love, you are part dragon, and I love you a thousand times more now," Chase explained, his eyes filled with adoration and awe.

I couldn't help but laugh at Chase's revelation. The idea of being part dragon seemed too unbelievable to be true.

"Aunty Kiera," a small voice called out, and a pang of disappointment echoed through me. I knew exactly who it was and what this meant.

"What's wrong, Cherie?" Chase's voice was filled with concern as he looked at me.

"Nothing... everything," I whispered the last word, turning away from him. Being in his arms felt so real, yet I knew it wasn't.

"There you are, silly aunty," Ruby, at least eight years old, giggled as our eyes met.

"Another dream we're trapped in?" I sighed.

"Trapped? We're never trapped," she replied with a mischievous wink.

I turned back to Chase, but he appeared translucent, fading before my eyes. I shouted his name as he echoed mine. Racing towards him, I reached out, but my hands passed right through him.

"What is this?" I yelled, desperation lacing my voice as I futilely tried to grasp onto him once more.

"He isn't really here. You aren't strong enough to tether so many together," Ruby said sadly, her gaze filled with empathy as she spoke.

"What does that mean?" I asked, confusion clouding my mind.

"It means you are asking for too much," Lupa's voice suddenly cut through the air. The world around me began to whirl and spin, my stomach lurching with the motion.

"Stop, please," I pleaded, feeling overwhelmed by the chaos.

"I'm not doing anything. It is you that seek so many answers," Lupa stated calmly.

As suddenly as it had begun, the spinning ceased, and I found myself standing in front of her packhouse.

"These dreams are so vivid," I murmured, closing my eyes and taking a few deep breaths to steady myself.

"I think we both know they are more than dreams," Lupa's voice echoed in my head.

"Please stop speaking in riddles and just say what you mean. Better yet... just tell me how to end all this," I implored, frustration and desperation creeping into my tone.

"You know how to end it, Kiera. You must sacrifice your mates for the greater good. I'm sorry; I truly am. I never thought my spell would be broken. I was a naive woman determined to have my revenge. I didn't think of the consequences that could come from it," Lupa explained, her blue eyes shining with sincerity. I knew she meant every word she spoke, and a heavy sense of dread settled over me.

"If you expect me to kill Chase or either of his brothers, then we will all lose. I can't do that, Lupa. I can't kill in cold blood," I protested, the thought of harming them unbearable.

"You must expel the darkness they carry. Dietus is part of their souls. It's the only way to end Dietus and all he has started. If you allow him to return to the forest, we may never be able to stop him," Lupa insisted, her voice firm yet tinged with regret.

"Expel the darkness?" I questioned, examining my hands as if they held the answer. "Do I absorb their darkness?"

"Yes, it becomes a part of you, and then your light washes it away. It can only be you; I'm sorry," Lupa explained before her voice faded, and everything around me began to blur and fade away.

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