Ch. 54 - Once a Child

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River POV

The second my brothers and I hit the open air, our wolves emerged, black onyx beasts prowling our territory until we reached the tree line of our vast and open forest.

I needed this! The thought of Elizabeth leaving me was unbearable, but I knew I needed to let her go. I was going to give into Kiera; it was only a matter of time. It was better she wasn't here to see me like that. Once we are able to finally reject Kiera, I needed to detach myself from the guilt of desiring her so much.

Our black fur waved as the wind whipped by us, the three of us riding the waves of the air like we controlled them. We moved with precision and power, running faster and deeper into the woods. Drake broke off to the left, and I knew he was avoiding something and pivoted to follow him. Chase let out a chuckle in our heads as he darted right.

'You know he is trapping you.' Loki's amused tone rang out in our minds.

'Drake is out here more than any. He knows something is ahead that will slow him down.' Chaos countered. Our strategic dance through the woods unfolding, each move tightening our bond as brothers.

'Or maybe I'm leading you exactly where I want.' Demetrius darkly chuckled.

I growled, sharpening my eyes and pulling at Loki's power.

'That's cheating, sneaky wolf.' Loki cynically laughed.

'No borrowing power, River!' Demetrius scolded me.

'Now who is ruining all the fun?' I veered off from Demetrius and headed straight for Loki.

'Don't come after me, you brute.' Loki quickened his pace, and I snickered at him. Reaching his back legs, I lunged out and nipped at his calf.

'Fuck, Chaos!" Loki growled at me. 'I'm so going to kick your ass!' He quickly moved out of my path, effortlessly scaling a tree then back flipped off of it.

'When did he become so limber?' I laughed at my brother soaring through the air gracefully. 'Idiot' I chuckled, pushing my paws to take advantage of getting ahead of him.

'He might be an idiot, but at least he saw what was coming.' Drake now laughed at me. My paws becoming glued to the ground, making me jolt forwards, then bounce back. Fucking tar!

'Get me out here.' I snarled out.

'Ask nicely.' Loki pranced his way back to me, careful not to get stuck in the same glue I was in.


'Who is the best Alpha?' Demetrius caught up to us.

'Pull me out!' I demanded.

'Answer our brother's question.' Loki snickered, and they both began circling me.

'Fine, you both are. Drake and Chase are so much better than me, blah, blah, blah.'

'I don't believe him.' Loki said.

'Me either. Maybe he needs sometime to think about it. I mean the choice is obvious, I'm the best.' Demetrius now stood before me, staring me down.

'You wish! Just because Kiera gave you one compliment it means nothing. You aren't the best Alpha, or the best looking.' Loki countered.

'She did say I was the sexiest of us three.'

'That was a clear lie to rattle me. Everyone knows I'm the best looking.'

I growled at my brothers. Are they really having this conversation? 'Pull me out, idiots.'

"Fine, but admit you clearly lost," Demetrius demanded.

"Fine! I lost! Happy?"

"Not really."

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