Ch. 31 - Reality

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Kiera POV

I couldn't believe what I had just witnessed. It felt unreal, as if this couldn't be my life. Collapsing to my knees, tears of disbelief streamed down my face. My best friend lay lifeless before me, leaving me lost and unsure of what to do or how to feel.

If Athena's strength resided within me, I might have surrendered, letting her take over as I crumbled deep within my soul. Yet, she wasn't here, and the harsh reality of being truly alone set in.

Madness seethed within me, originally fueled by anger toward Devon, yet I would have never wished for this grim reality. The fury consumed me, a blazing inferno that surged within, scorching every fiber of my being. Without hesitation, I lunged at the man before me.

Athena's claws tore through my fingertips, a visceral pain coursing through me in relentless waves. Despite the agony, I pushed it aside, determined to avenge my friend's tragic end, even if it meant facing my own death.

My claws tore through his throat, and he gasped for air. A desperate sound left his lips, haunting the air as life drained from him. I stood there, grappling with the raw reality of what I had just done.

The thrill of owning a life, the raw power coursing through me, was intoxicating. Yet, as he bled out before me, a profound sadness washed over my soul.

I had never killed a man before, never taken a life with my own bare hands. The conflicting waves of exhilaration and sorrow collided within me.

"This fucking mutt killed Jeffries!" A man's enraged scream pierced the air, the accusatory words echoing around me. Voices clamored from behind, a harsh mixture of sounds demanding my life for taking one of their own.

The reality of what I had done, what had transpired, became more bizarre with each passing second. Instinct urged me to run, to escape the impending storm of consequences, but a profound weariness gripped me. I was done with it all, ready to face the consequences head-on, prepared to die fighting in the vortex of anger and grief that surrounded me.

I spun to face my attackers, launching at them in a half-shifted form. My skin burned with the agony of the poison coursing through me, a relentless adversary I fought to suppress.

In the chaos, Athena's voice was absent, drowned out, but her unspoken determination resonated within me. Though I couldn't hear her, I felt her silent insistence, urging me to endure. With every ounce of her will, she pushed me, granting the strength needed to survive against all odds.

Four men surrounded me, and I attacked them relentlessly, again and again. Claws tore open my skin, teeth savagely ripped pieces of my flesh, and knuckles broke open wounds on my face. The pain was excruciating, but I refused to yield. I pressed on, confronting them until I had nothing left to give, my determination propelling me forward even in the face of a brutal and relentless assault.

When I believed all humanity within me was lost, Martha and Albert emerged from the woods, armed with silver-loaded guns that killed two of our assailants.

As Martha turned to confront a third man, a dozen more wolves materialized. My eyes widened, understanding that if we didn't surrender, Martha would meet her end as well.

Kneeling on the ground, I raised my hands in surrender, acknowledging that I had lost control.
I was ready to end it all, but I couldn't let another innocent person die for me.

"We heel. Do not touch them!" My voice was powerful though my body appeared battered.

"You heel?" A man approached, his black boots halting just before my knees. "You heel after killing my men like this?" The back of his hand struck me forcefully across the face, and blood spilled into my mouth, a whimper escaping despite my resolve.

"I'm a Luna of the South. Take me prisoner and leave them. Your Alpha will want me unharmed." I didn't know who these men belonged to, but I knew, North or South, I was wanted.

"A Luna!" The man's laughter echoed around me. "You look like a runaway whore," he jeered, gripping my chin to force me to meet his gaze. "A pretty one too." He knelt in front of me. "I think I'd rather clean you up, than keep you as my own."

I spat in his face, earning another harsh slap. "Touch me, and you will regret it," I warned, defiance burning in my eyes.

"You think a little too highly of yourself. I'll have fun stripping that away from you." He rose and faced the men accompanying him. "Pack her up. I'm bringing her home for myself. Those two..." he dismissed Martha and Albert with a wave of his hand. "Kill them."

In the wake of that chilling order, I felt the weight of futility bear down on me. "No!" I screamed, my voice echoing through the desolate woods, yet my plea fell on deaf ears.

The two men seized Martha and Albert, their merciless hands snapping their necks with a sickening sound. Lifeless, they were left sprawled in the unforgiving embrace of the cold, silent woods, a haunting testament to the brutality of the moment.

Strong arms encircled me, yanking me to my feet, and I was dragged towards a looming truck. The back door swung open, and he pulled me up. "Don't get any ideas, or I'll have to be the first to show you your place," the man warned, punctuating his words with a crude smack on my ass before shoving me inside the cold confines of the truck.

The dark interior revealed a somber scene, as women and children were seated along benches on the sides and huddled on the floor. I knew exactly who their Alphas were and I swore I would kill them one day. This world won't have an Alpha left breathing after I was done.

I took a seat beside two trembling children, huddled together for comfort. My bruised and swollen face likely painted a terrifying image, making me appear like a monster in their innocent eyes.

"Are you ok?" I asked them.

"Where are we going?" One little girl asked.

"I believe to the North."

"It's not wise to speak. The guards aren't very kind." A woman a little older than me warned.

I nodded to her and put an arm around the scared girl. I didn't want anyone to get in trouble because of me, especially a child.

A few moments later, the truck started, and a man entered the back with a long silver baton. Clad in black gloves to shield his hand from the burning, he met my glare with one of his own, a silent exchange of defiance.

He walked right past the other prisoners as the truck began moving and roughly pushed a woman to the floor before claiming her seat in front of me. The air in the truck grew heavy with tension, and a sense of dread lingered as the long journey began.

"So, you're the little tramp that killed my brother?" he sneered, his deep blue eyes piercing hatred into my soul.

"Your brother killed my Beta!" I spat back, attempting to muster confidence, though it was in short supply. I sensed my time was limited, and the grim realization settled in that there was little I could do to prevent this man from torturing me.

"Watch your mouth," he warned, running the silver baton over my arm. I hissed at the pain, but refused to cry.

He observed the red open wound with a mix of curiosity and disbelief as my cuts showed no signs of healing. "Are you even a werewolf?" he questioned, a lingering doubt in his eyes.

I held up my wrist, adorned with a damning silver curse wrapped around it. "I'm a prisoner of the South. I want to speak to Chase Kingsley and his brothers before you harm any of us," I declared, a desperate plea underlying my words in the dimly lit confines of the truck.

The man's eyebrows raised, then he simply laughed, just as I knew he would. "Alpha Chase doesn't give a fuck about you," he scoffed.

"Are you willing to bet your life on that?" I may have looked a mess, but I knew my eyes held a mixture of defiance and authority, challenging him even in the dire circumstances.

He sat back, contemplating for a few moments. "You will be part of the sorting, and we'll see how valuable our Alpha sees you then," he decided, a temporary reprieve hanging in the air amid the uncertainty of what awaited me.


"Do I look like a friend to gossip with? Shut your mouth! All of you keep your mouths shut or I'll take pleasure in beating you." The man yelled.

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