Ch. 68 - Dreams

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Chase POV

Watching Kiera so fired up and in her true role as a leader was exhilarating. So badly I wanted to push her against the wall, feel those plump red lips on my body.

Drake was right though, she seemed to hate us. Last night was perfect and I was sure she would be swooning over me. I don't know what went wrong, but I was determined to fix it. I needed her to look at me like I was the only thing she desired in this world.

"You were giving permission to lead our training for three days!" River shouted the second we made it to his study. "How the fuck does your simple mind turn that into running out whole damn pack?"

"Calm down, River." Drake moved to the black leather couch, waving for Kiera to sit by him, but she gave him a look like she wouldn't dare get so close to him. "Kiera, we don't mind some changes. You can't completely rearrange our pack house though." He addressed her with clear hurt in his eyes. He wanted to touch her as badly as I did.

"I'm not demanding much. Simple human rights and that's all. I will handle it all and the three of you can carry on with whatever bullshit you normally do. We can't leave the South in the hands of you anyways." She gave him a look of pure disappointment. Drake knew he fucked up with Beatrice, and I knew it was the reason he was allowing Kiera to rearrange how things were handle in his section.

"Cherie, I will check in on Drake's people. My brothers and I would never condone abuse, especially to children. We are not some monsters, or the enemy."

"You are the enemy. My whole life the dark wolves have haunted my nightmares." She looked away with a shadow over her face. "You still do haunt them."

All three of us could feel something dark looming over her. Drake looked like he would crumble just from her sad expression. I can't explain how odd it was to see my brother this way.

"What happened last night?" He demanded of her.

"Nothing. I just realized I have a lot to do and little time to do." She looked back at him, her confidence building brick by brick as she pushed away the unknown thoughts that tormented her.

"Is this about Jackson?" Drake asked, anger clear in his body as he spoke his name. "We will find him, and we will kill him for all he has done to you."

"He is mine to destroy!" Athena rose quickly inside Kiera, red hair sprouting on her arms.

"Cherie, if you kill him then your wolf dies too. We won't let that happened." I spoke softly to her, hoping to calm the storm inside her.

She looked away. "Is that how?" She whispered.

"How what?" I asked, unable to stop myself from walking closer to her.

Kiera looked between us before speaking. "I had an odd dream last night. It felt more like a... premonition. It was twenty years in the future and Athena was gone. I couldn't feel her." Her hand grabbed her chest like the memory physically pained her. "It wasn't like the silver suppressing her inside me, she was actually gone, completely detached from me."

"There are only two ways you can lose your wolf, both would have to be your choice, Kiera. I know this dream upset you, but it's not reality." I tried to speak comfortingly.

"Is it possible to walk through time in a dream?" She asked and we all froze.

River moved to her, examining her body. "Why would you say that?" He demanded.

"River, try to be a little more gentle. Kiera doesn't understand your psychotic demeanor." I rolled my eyes at him.

Kiera looked at River with pure curiosity. "Is it possible?" She asked with tears now brimming her eyes. Something was scaring her, and my brothers and I knew it was the Dark Forest trying to persuade her to give them what they wanted.

"No!" River shouted out.

"Cherie, we only heard that from one other person. It was right before she started to lose her mind." My eyes softened as I watched her, painful memories of my own surfacing.

"Who?" She asked.

"That doesn't matter! It isn't possible." River growled. He grabbed her chin between his fingertips. "Tell me why you think you can walk through time? When did these dreams that felt like premonitions start?"

"I always had vivid dreams. Creepy and so realistic. They were usually nonsense but after Jack..." she swallowed hard, removing her face from his hand. Her fingers came to her neck, softly but with a trembling hand brushing over her husband's mark.

"After Jackson marked you?" Drake rose, coming to encircle her between us.

"Yes. Mainly an older man, claiming to be my son. He spoke vile things to me. A little girl, innocent at heart but with a demon sharing her soul who called me Aunty. I think she was trying to warn me. And..." she gasped looking between us. "I dreamt about you before!"

"What kind of dream?" I couldn't help but smile at the idea she had naughty nights filled with us in her head.

"Oh my goddess. I never saw your faces, but there was always three men with me. Drake's tattoos..." her fingers brushed over his arms. "I dreamt about you, every tattoo exactly as they are." She seemed fascinated by his swirls of ancient sigals and ruins placed over his body. I never cared for inking on my own skin, but right now, I wish had a butt load of them to gain her attention.

"You mean you dreamt about us before meeting us?" River said. My eyes widening, unable to comprehend what this means. Drake was completely lost in desire to connect any dots. I doubt he even heard a word we spoke as he watched her long skinny fingers caress over his arm.

"Yes, I dreamt about you, about our..." she looked to River and he instantly melted to her. We all knew what she was about to say.

"Our what?" River asked with fear in his voice and not even a hint of anger or demand.

"It doesn't matter. It was just a dream. I need my army and I need to leave the North. I don't belong here!" She moved away from us, but we all stepped with her, encircling her between us again. This was exactly where she belonged.

"Kiera, you will not leave." River said sternly, but a calm still inside him. I never seen him like this.

"I have to, and deep down you know it's the way it needs to be." Kiera and River locked eyes again, a foreboding and unknowing tale translating between them.

"No! I won't allow it!" River shouted, his rage coming back ten folds. His hands grabbed his brand new desk, lifting it above his head and slamming it into the wall. Kiera jumped back, her body landing in my arms as she yelped in fear.

River turned to her, his eyes showing regret he so easily lost control. "I won't allow it!" He repeated, stepping to Kiera, who pushed herself deeper into my chest. Chaos was forward, releasing all of his command and desires in the air. Even I felt suffocated by his need for her to completely submit to him.

"Go for a run, Chaos!" I growled out to my brother, my playfulness completely void inside me as I held my mate in my arms. No one will harm her, no one will make her afraid.

"Get her under control before I do!" River spat out then shifted. Chaos emerged into his large black wolf and took off out of the house.

"He is all bark and no bite, Cherie. You don't have to fear River." I tried to make light of the damn demon wolf we called our brother.

"He is unhinged. You're worried about me being alone with your people? River is the one that needs to be locked up." Kiera placed a hand to her chest to calm her rapid heartbeat. I think she forgot that her body was still in my arms.

"River's wolf enjoys the darkness inside us. He more easily gives into the forest, which is why we keep him from mayhem as much as possible." Drake moved to us, his hand coming to her to lightly brush away strands of loose hairs around her face.

"You have a darkness inside you?" Kiera looked to Drake, melting to his touch.

"Yes, doll, the three of us all have a part of the forest. It is what makes us so powerful. We would never use our power against you though."

"Why? What makes me so special." Kiera asked the million dollar question I so badly wanted to answer for her.

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