Ch. 11 - Betrayal

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Kiera POV

I woke, laying sideways on a round bed in a sleazy club. My body ached a little and between my legs was not only raw, but humming in bliss.

I smiled to myself. I never thought I would enjoy a dirty one night stand with a complete stranger, who was also an arrogant Alpha. I did though. I would never see him again and no one would know exactly what happened last night. This will be my dirty little secret that I knew I would fantasize about the rest of my life.

I stood and searched for my clothes. My underwear was in pieces and it made me moan remembering how he tore the fabric from my body. I slipped on my dress and washed my face. I didn't want to wash his scent completely off me though. I smiled in the mirror knowing how pissed Jackson was going to be. Good!

Athena was a blissful little puppy, swimming in happiness deep in my soul. She wanted more of the dark stranger, but we had other matters to deal with.

I called a taxi to bring me back to my soon to be ex home. It hurt thinking my entire life would be changing. My pack was the only place I knew and the people were not only my friends, but my family I fought to protect for so long.

I couldn't stay there any longer though. I won't be a Second Luna that watched my husband have a new wife and start a family right in front of my eyes. Jackson rejecting me would weaken us both, but with the war coming to an end I was willing to take the risk.

I had to sacrifice a part of my strength or I would lose my mind from a broken heart. Maybe I was being selfish. A real Luna wouldn't put her needs above her pack's. The thing was, I didn't feel like this was my pack anymore, and I definitely didn't feel like a Luna.

Those that known me since I arrived here turned their backs on me. People I kept safe by putting my life on the line in battle snuffed me, just like my little sister did. Jackson taking his fated made our pack stronger, and that was all they cared about. If they had so little regard for me, then why should I care about them.

Tears slowly left my eyes as I watched the lush landscape outside the car window. I felt empty inside and I knew nothing could ever fill this void.

"We're here ma'am." The driver spoke when I sat a long while in the packhouse driveway. I had to get out to face the true end of my life here, but I was afraid.

Jackson's rejection will tear through me. I will be removed from the territory by force from his anger. If anyone still cared for me here, they won't after they find out I was the reason they became weaker.

"Ma'am." The driver called to me again.

"Sorry." I gave him a half smile and opened my door. It was time I ripped the last pieces of myself from my soul so I could move on to a new life. I prayed it would be better than this one.

The packhouse was bustling with people. This afternoon we had our peace treaty to discuss and sign with the Alphas from the Dark Forest pack. We needed to show them both power and hospitality. I knew my timing was horrible, but Jackson started this.

"Kiera! Where the hell have you been?" Jackson's voice boomed out from the top of the stairs. His face red in anger and body littered with cuts. He felt every betrayal of mine last night, just like he did to me. At least I wasn't going to lie to him about it. I proudly wore the strangers scent on my skin.

The look in Jackson's eyes was of complete disgust. He never showed me this side of him and it made me fill with shame. It was too late now though. I did this so there was no turning back. A betrayal that no one could try to fix.

I straightened my back and ascended the stairs to my husband. A man I've known since I was small child. A friend and lover that once gave me so much comfort. That man was dead to me now.

"You filthy whore!" He spat out to me as I approached him.

"Not as filthy as you, husband." I jolted my chin higher, showing him I wasn't backing down. I wasn't afraid of him and I deserved to be let go to live my life how I wanted.

"Me!" He shouted, voice laced in anger. He grabbed my arm and threw me in the closest room. My body jumped as the door slam behind him. "I fucked my fated mate. I tried resisting her for you and I don't even know why. You're pathetic Kiera!"

I closed my eyes to hide the shame I felt. It wasn't his words that got to me. It was how we ended up here. I loved him and I thought he loved me. We were happy once, blissfully happy, and that was all over now. Jackson had no love for me, and I lost any love for him the day his fated mate showed up pregnant.

In this moment of weakness I had let my guard down. I didn't think he could sink any lower, but I was a fool to have ever trusted this man. A silver bracelet closed around my wrist, burning my skin instantly. My eyes shot open in fear. This wasn't happening!

"You're mine, Kiera. I don't care what you want anymore. I won't appease you or even offer you comfort after you whored yourself out like this. Wash this disgusting scent off you and make yourself presentable." His hand closed around my neck. The silver on my skin already making me weak that I felt every inch of his skin closing around my airways.

"What?" I asked in disbelief with tears in my eyes. He wasn't rejecting me. He was making me his prisoner.

"You're a stupid woman to have betrayed me this way. You are my wife and my Luna. I won't reject you and I won't let you ever give yourself to another. I was willing to let you come to terms of our new arrangements with my fated, but you destroyed that. Now, you're my prisoner. Day and night..." his nose rubbed against my cheek. He growled at the strong scent on me. "Day and night you are mine however I desire!" He pushed my body away from him with disgust and I fell hard to the ground.

I couldn't look at him. I couldn't believe he would do this to me. I know I was acting like a child. I know I did the one thing that would send any Alpha into a rage. He deserved it though. He deserved to feel as hopeless and raw as he made me feel.

I began crying on the floor at my new reality. I didn't make him feel hopeless. I gave him a reason to justify why I was now his prisoner. No pack member would take my side, not after betraying and harming our Alpha the way I did last night. Plus, if Jackson rejected me it left them weaker. No one would sacrifice that for me.

"Get her washed and changed. I don't care what force needs to be used. I want her downstairs in one hour and looking every bit the part of my wife." Jackson barked his orders to three omegas whom worked as our servants. "Kiera, I suggest you get your shit together. This is your last chance to have any kind of freedom. Disrespect me again and you'll spend the rest of my life in a cell."

His words cut right though me. Those chocolate eyes that once gave me comfort now showed me pure dominance. He truly owned me and he loved the ultimate power he held over me.

He never felt anything real for me. I was someone that gave him strength, gave him a wolf that was more powerful than most others.

I was an idiot to think he would ever let me go. I couldn't live as his second though. I couldn't watch him love another woman and only come to me when he was bored or feeling nostalgic.

This was the first time in my life I wish I would just die. I begged the goddess to take me and remove me from this nightmare. I wasn't strong enough to survive this life. I wasn't anything.

I reached to Athena, but her presence was already weak inside me. The silver was pushing her deeper and deeper in my soul. I felt her pain, like she was drowning inside me, fighting with everything she had to swim to the surface. It was hopeless, I was hopeless.

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