Ch. 62 - Agreed

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Chase POV

After dropping Kiera off at the barracks to settle in, I made my way to my brothers. Let's just say, the welcome committee was a bit lackluster. However, if they could witness the myriad emotions painted on our mate's face, they might cut me some slack.

"Are you fucking insane!" River's voice thundered out the moment I strolled into his now empty study. It was practically bare since he had his servants come and remove all that he destroyed earlier.

"We've already established that I am," I retorted with a smug grin, gracefully sinking into a plush black leather couch. "I'm liking this. You should keep it. Beats those old, stuffy chairs any day." My fingers caressed the smooth leather, adding a touch of nonchalance to the chaos.

"I don't know how we haven't killed him yet," River commented to Drake as he continued to pace the floor. Drake grabbed two glasses, handing me one, then took a seat beside me.

"I know I'm going to regret asking this, but why did you make Kiera our head general for the next three days, or allow her to sleep miles away from us?" Drake calmly asked, but I knew there was a storm inside him. When it came to Kiera, he was the most possessive of us all.

"It's what she wanted." I shrugged my shoulders.

"Come on, Chase, explain before River destroys the rest of his office."

I huffed in annoyance. "First off, I'm going to state that if River didn't mess up so badly with our mate, none of this would have happened. She would be in Drake's cottage, and us on the couch trying to convince her to let us in the bed."

"Chase!" River growled at me.

"Kiera needs this. She's lost and feels abandoned, probably her whole life. We can try making her just a regular member until Drake decides it's time to reveal the truth, but it won't work. She's a Luna, a powerful warrior. We need to give her the chance to lead, find her strength, and heal. It's the only way she'll truly be ours." The weight of my words lingered, a plea for understanding in the air.

"So, we're just handing her our army?" River spat out.

"Enough, River," Drake intervened, signaling for him to calm down and engage in a real conversation. "She is our fated, this is her army too."

"What is wrong with you two!" River shouted. "She's been here for a week, and you're just giving her everything."

"Does she not deserve that?" I counter.

"I get that she is our mate, I feel the desire to appease her too, but I haven't forgotten the prophecy."

"Neither have I. Three days, River, and then we will take her to the forest like we agreed." I said.

"I don't like it, Chase." Drake turned to me. "If she is with all of her pack she could plan to take them and leave. Three days is enough time for them to form a real plan to escape."

"She isn't leaving!" River roared out.

"Well, next time you fuck her don't tell her it meant nothing." I scolded him. Drake and I both looked to him in disappointment.

"There won't be a next time." River crossed his arms and huffed. We all knew that wasn't true.

"She isn't leaving? At least not yet." I reassured River, his wolf seemed to be bursting at the seams. I think he wanted to chase Kiera down this very second and lock her away for only us. That man was a mix of so many fucked up emotions.

"Not ever." River murmured with a growl. He turned to the window and closed his eyes. Drake and I watched him a moment, knowing he needed a few minutes to calm the storm inside him.

"I looked into this dragon theory of yours." Drake said, breaking the silence. "It does appear it's a color of eyes that represents some kind magic within the beholder."

"I know, it's what kind of magic I'm curious to know." I responded.

"I want to know if she knew any of our sisters. We need to interrogate her." River added, still keeping his gaze outside the window.

"Interrogate? You want to piss our mate off, don't you? I have to admit she is hot when all mad and ready to rip throats out, but until we can mark her..."

"We will not mark her!" Drake interrupted me with a dark growl.

"Not until it is safe, brother, I know." I gave Drake a silent promise of this. The urge to tell her everything and finally sink my teeth into her was overwhelming, but Loki and I won't put her in danger.

"We can't just let her run around our territory unchecked." River ordered and I rolled my eyes at him. He was impossible to reason with.

"I have trusted warriors keeping tabs on her. We can take turns checking in on her too. It's just three days, River. Let her reunite with her people and find a purpose again. She is a Luna, our Luna, meant to lead alongside of us."

"She is also meant to betray us." River spat out.

"The prophecy only says she will bring us to our knees." I retorted.

Drake grunted, "It also says she will end us, undo all we have done."

"Now that I met her, I don't translate any of it as she will betray us, or kill us. I think she will just put us on a new path, one that I welcome. For ten years our lives have only been about strengthening the North and figuring out what happened to our family. We are almost thirty and I want more. I want everything, including my mate."

Drake and River both shook their heads. They wanted to believe in her as strongly as I did, but they couldn't. Drake wouldn't turn his back on her, but he couldn't allow himself to completely trust her, and River just flat out refused to allow their connection to have any control over him. I felt sorry for my brothers, but I wouldn't mind having Kiera all to myself either.

"Ok, boys!" I said standing and downing my drink. "Now that we all agreed I have a date to prepare for."

"We aren't agreed and what fucking date?" Drake questioned, about ready to lose his shit. He isn't going to like this.

"A date with a beautiful woman." I started walking to the door, knowing I piqued their interest.

"With who?" River demanded.

"Who do you think?" I turned my head, smiling back at them.

"You can't take Kiera out on a date!" River shouted. He was so damn tense and after tangling with our mate. How he didn't completely crumble after tasting her divine pussy, I have no idea. I was beyond whipped and I loved it.

"Can and will. Bye, brothers." I waved to them as I reached the door.

"I'm coming too!" Drake stood, a clear pout on his face. This once-hardened man was so whipped now too. I can't wait until we can spend our days worshipping our little wolf made just for us to share.

I stopped just outside the door frame and looked at him. "This is just Kiera and me. River had his alone time with her this afternoon, which didn't go so well." I shook my head at him, and he of course growled at me. "Plan your own date." I winked at Drake and left, knowing I once again pissed them off, but I didn't care in the slightest.

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