(GN) Ch. 101 - Hopeless

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Drake POV

I held my brother's wolf in my arms; his desperate cries of agony were gutting my insides. Kiera had rejected us. I felt her reject Chase, and now, compounded with River's rejection, my insides felt like lava was melting every part of my being. I wasn't sure we would survive a third rejection.

"Kiera, don't." I pleaded with her, pain enveloping my body. Our eyes locked into each other, and I bared my soul to her. She can't do this to us. "We can fix this, make it right. Just let me explain." My words were full of hopelessness, and her eyes held no concern for any of us. We betrayed her trust, lied to her, and used her. Kiera would never forgive any of us.

"There is nothing to fix. There is no right in this world anymore. Goodbye, Drake." She jutted her chin in the air to show confidence when she felt none. I knew my perfect little doll better than she would ever know, and I knew exactly what her following words would be.

"I beg you, Luna. Don't do this. I don't think we will survive. Chase is barely breathing." I laid the truth on the line, a truth that could open the door for anyone to kill us. We weren't the strongest anymore; we were weakened and near death.

Kiera's eyes softened to me, wandering over Chaos whining on the ground. His large black wolf was panting with wheezes as he breathed. He was barely hanging on, too.

"I never wanted to hurt anyone." Her voice whispered sadly.

"Kiera, we can make this right. Please give us a chance to show you we aren't your enemy."

She shook her head back and forth with tears at me. "Nothing is ever right, and I can't trust you. I'm sorry, Drake."

"Kiera!" I gritted my teeth as I said her name. She can't do this.

"You three are the strongest Alphas to ever exist; you will survive, just as I will. I reject you, Drake." She swallowed hard as I stared in disbelief at her.

The hot pain intensified inside me, but I didn't move a muscle. I welcomed the deserving pain she inflicted upon us. She was our fated, our last piece to complete this miserable life, and we disregarded her from the moment we met.

"Goodbye." She whispered softly as she walked past me. Her hand held her stomach, and I knew she was in pain, too, but she hid it as best she could.

Her fellow pack member came to her side, offering an arm for her to lean on. "Luna, are you sure?"

"I'm sure Becky. It's the way it needs to be. I don't belong here." Her words made me shut my eyes, and I felt the cold tears inch down my face. We truly lost her.

A growl ripped from deep within River's chest.

"Be calm, brother. We have to let her go." I tried to offer comfort, but there was none to be had.

River slowly stood on shaky paws. 'She betrayed us!' His wolf was filled with rage as he spoke to not only me but all of the North.

'We betrayed her. Don't do this, River.' I begged of him. We suffered enough; a battle between the North and South was not what any of us wanted. Any of the South could easily take us out; some of the North probably wanted to try, too.

'Don't let her leave!' Chaos commanded all of our men. I bowed my head, shaking it back and forth in disbelief. 'Take her! Lock her up! Lock them all up!'

Kiera held herself up on her friend's shoulder, evaluating the growing tension around her. She couldn't hear my brother's commands, but I'm sure she could guess what he was doing.

The Northern soldiers tightened their grip on their weapons, looking beside them at friends who were meant to be foes. Kiera united them, and now River was trying to divide them again.

"Stand down!" I ordered, my voice stronger than I ever spoke before. I rose from my knees and stared at my high generals. "She is your Luna." I reminded every one of them, earning a deathly growl from Chaos behind me.

I turned to meet my brother eye to eye. "You won't harm her, none of us will."

'You would choose a woman that rejected us, nearly killed us, over your own flesh and blood.' His voice boomed in my head as he stood on wobbly legs with a dark growl.

"I will always choose Kiera. Try and stop me or leave and calm yourself, brother." I ordered him.

Chaos's head tilted to the darkening skies, and a howl of agony resonated before he looked back down at me. 'You will regret this. We are brothers no more, Alpha.' His voice was different, darker, and more profound than my brother's or his wolf's.

"You're right. We are not brothers, Zeus, and you have no power without us."

The black wolf growled with drool hanging from his jaw. I readied myself, unsure if I could harm my brother, even if some dark entity possessed him, but I couldn't let him hurt Kiera either.

"Take control, River!" Kiera appeared at my side. I looked at her like the goddess she was. Every inch of her being was magnificent. "I can chase away the dark, and right now, all I see is your blackened soul. Release him before I make you." Her eyes glowed a light purple, warming the coldness my life had become.

Chaos growled, lowering his front and preparing to lurch forward. His eyes shined a dull black at us in an impossible way, a magical way. Then he turned and took off into the woods.

With a sigh, I felt my body ready to give out. I lost everything in one fell swoop. For the first time in my life, I wasn't sure if my bond with my brothers would be enough to survive any of this.

"Thank you, Drake. I will miss you." Kiera spoke softly, then kissed my cheek. "I'll pray for your brother's soul and grant him my protection for as long as he harms no innocents. Good luck."

"I should have cherished you the moment we met. I'm sorry I wasn't better for you."

She gave me a small smile. "We were meant to meet the way we did. Our destiny can't be intertwined if we want to live." Her lips turned downward, and she turned to her friend again. She truly believed she was meant to be alone. That was a destiny no one should have to ever bare.

I stood still, watching the only woman who would ever complete my family walk away forever. I wasn't sure how I was letting her go; a burning need inside me wanted to chase after her, follow her everywhere she went, even if it was only to watch her from the shadows.

I turned to my generals. "Protect your Luna. If you fail, I will eat every one of your hearts." I commanded with a weak growl behind my words. My strength was waning, and I knew I would never be as powerful as I once was.

"Alpha, the North won't be protected."

"We don't need protection, only she does. Leave! Now!" I yelled at the fool who dared to speak against my orders.

"Yes, Alpha." He nodded to me, then took off in a sprint with the rest of our soldiers following after him. She would be an unstoppable force that no one would ever hope to take down.

I closed my eyes as I collapsed to my knees. My face was covered in sweat, and everything inside me burned. I only found comfort in knowing Kiera would live, thrive, and prosper. She would be ok.

'Brother! Help!" Chase's weak voice cried in my head. His pain was worse than all of ours combined.

'I'm coming, just hold on.' I begged of him. His heartbeat was weak, and his mind was becoming fuzzy.

I reached out to River, praying he took some control back. 'Chase needs us! She is gone, and that is how it needs to be, but we are here, and we need our brother, River.'

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