Ch 77 - Next Steps

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Kiera's POV

"I don't need an escort, Chase." I rolled my eyes as he quickly followed me back to the barracks.

"I know. I just like being close to you." He simply stated with a huge smile on his face. I couldn't help but giggle a moment. He was so damn adorable with that shit eating grin.

"What?" His eyes glimmered at me. The way he looked at me I knew any wall that ever stood between us was completely crumbled to ash. Chase wasn't letting me go.

"You look happy." I stopped right outside the Salon inside the barracks. I had my pack members and allies right behind that door, and a mission that needed to be executed, but I just wanted to stay right here.

I knew how foolish it was to feel this way. Falling for someone did strange things to your mind though, and I was definitely falling for this goofy Alpha that stood before me.

"You say that like it's a bad thing, Cherie."

"It is, considering what we are up against." I looked to him and I knew my eyes showed the sadness I felt. There was no future between us. I needed to do this on my own.

"There has never been a great love story written where the main characters didn't face impossible odds." He erased any space between us, his hands coming to the door behind me to cage me in his arms. "I want a great love with you, and I'll fight all the obstacles, baby. I just need you to trust me."

"Trust?" I laughed at him. I would never be able to do that. "I trust very little in this world, especially three Alphas that have waged war for over a decade on my people." I crossed my arms in defiance.

I didn't truly feel it though. I know they are the enemy, but it didn't seem to be that way. The Dark Wolves weren't ruled by the man that stood before me. It just wasn't possible. This man looked as if he would lay his life on the line for me.

"Maybe not completely, but a little. I'll earn the rest, Kiera. Everyday I'll prove to you that there isn't another that could complete me the way that you do." His eyes held such conviction, but I knew it wasn't the truth.

"No one but your fated, right?" I looked at him in disappointment. It didn't matter how we felt right now, our souls were bound to another.

Chase suddenly dropped to his knees. "Trust me when I say that there isn't another for me than you." He looked up to me, eyes begging me to just let go and give us a chance.

"I can't trust what isn't real, Chase. Now stand up and stop making a fool of yourself. If someone saw you like this they would think you were proposing. I don't need anymore drama about being some test you three are putting me through."

"What if I was proposing?" Chase grabbed my hand, but I quickly snatched it away. I didn't have time for this.

I turned to push open the door, leaving a man on his knees in disappointment. A man that made me feel like I was the most important creature in this world. I felt this way once before, I knew it was different with Chase, but the hard truth was, I didn't trust myself. I had once chose Jackson and that was a mistake that affected not just me, but everyone I cared for. I won't do it again, I can't.

'We would be stronger with him.' Athena chimed in.

'You can't be serious?' I practically scolded her. I needed her on my side with this.

'I was just pointing out an advantage, that's all. He is sexy too.' Athena purred in my head.

I walked into a room filled with twenty people, all familiar faces, and looking to me with concern.

"Was Alpha Chase kneeling before you?" Becky curiously asked.

"He is still out there, kneeling." Sandra added.

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