Ch. 29 - Not My Friend

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Kiera POV

"I didn't know her well. We met in passing only once. I didn't even get her name. She was like a goddess though, lavender eyes and a single strip of purple in her hair. She had a small child clutching her leg."

"Where did you met her?" Hope was blossoming inside me. I tried researching about my family, but there was literally nothing to be found.

"It happened near the border, at a market. The night before we encountered each other, there was an auction house raided by a lone wolf. Witnesses described a woman with purple eyes and a fierce wolf, calling her a witch possessed by demons. She killed nearly a hundred men and rescued numerous women. My husband and I assisted survivors, helping them hide or begin anew. We met at the market to exchange locations of our safe houses, and that was the extent of it."

I smiled brightly, imagining this woman as my mother. The idea that someone so fierce could have been my own brought a sense of joy. However, my mood quickly shifted as I looked down in shame, my fingers burning over the silver on my wrist. If she were my mother and as amazing as she sounded, she would be disappointed in the life I chose.

"Do you know if she is alive?"

"I don't think so. Two weeks later, she vanished from existence. If she lived, more would have been saved, and tales of her wolf would have echoed on. But it was like she disappeared into thin air."

"Or killed?" I filled with profound sadness for a woman I never met.

"It's possible." Martha looked at me with eyes brimming with tears. She must have been something extraordinary to have touched a stranger in this way. I wish I knew her.

"I need to speak to my Beta. We will be out of your hair soon. Thank you for your hospitality, even if it was forced on you." I smiled at them both, the weight of sorrow lingering in my expression.

I walked straight to the little room Devon was in. There was just a single bed and a dresser that barely fit in it.

"Finish what you were saying before!" I demanded of him.

"Kiera, I don't want to talk about it."

"Devon, you owe it to me to speak the truth. You can't leave me blind to the way it really is anymore."

He looked at me with an overwhelming sense of guilt before finally speaking. "The night of the party when we thought Jackson first met his fated, I approached him."

"And what happened?" I crossed my arms over my chest, anticipation hanging thick in the air.

"They were arguing, him and Amy. He was scolding her for showing up at his pack, and she was whining to him to make her his official Luna. Jackson already knew about her before that night."

"What? You knew this, looked me in the face, and lied." Disgust was clear in my words.

"It's not that simple."

"Then explain to me how complicated it was to watch your best friend, your Luna, be played like a fool. To be imprisoned, beat, rap..." I closed my mouth. I couldn't think of that.

"I'm sorry, Kiera. Even after I found out, I still didn't think he would do all this. He swore to me he was going to reject her." Regret weighed heavy in his words.

"Why not tell me?"

"Jackson sent me on an assignment that night. He said his fated had a powerful father, and he was siding with the North. Like an idiot, I believed him and left right away. I thought if I could eliminate the threat, then he could reject her, and we would continue on as we were." He stood, walked toward me, and looked me dead in the eye before speaking again.

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