(GN) Ch. 110 - Beta

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Kiera POV

I jolted awake in bed, my body trembling and my skin coated in sweat. A cold hand came to my head, causing me to jump to my feet in surprise.

"Sorry," Andy said, raising his hands in a placating gesture. "I heard you talking, then shouting. I figured it was another bad dream. I wasn't sure if I should wake you or not, but you seemed to be in distress."

"I'm okay," I reassured him, though my voice wavered slightly. I took long, deep breaths, trying to calm my racing heart. My eyes darted frantically around the room, desperate to ground myself in reality. "I'm okay," I repeated, more to convince myself than anyone else.

"Are you sure? I can get a nurse. They aren't far," Andy offered, slowly approaching me with concern evident in his eyes.

I forced myself to relax, reminding myself there was no threat here. I glanced over at Karen, fast asleep in the hospital bed, and couldn't help but smile as I watched her peaceful breathing. She looked even better than when I had last seen her.

I recalled how I had rushed straight to her side when we returned from our mission. Elizabeth offered to handle the prisoners, knowing my urgency to check on Karen. I had sat by her side for at least an hour until she finally woke. It had only been a brief moment, but when she looked at me, I saw the vibrant life within her. She was going to be just fine.

"I must have fallen asleep and ended up in another strange dream. I don't know anyone who dreams as vividly as I do, but there is no other explanation," I mused aloud, trying to make sense of my experiences.

"Please, at least rest, Luna," Andy urged gently, guiding me to a chair as he took a seat beside me. "I know you're strong, but sometimes you look so drained it scares me."

"I'm fine, I promise," I reassured him, placing my hand on his. "For as long as I can remember, I've had these dreams that feel like reality. It's like I'm not dreaming, but I'm in another realm, or maybe, like another dimension but a mirrored one. I don't know..." I trailed off, stumbling over my words as I struggled to articulate the inexplicable nature of my experiences.

"Maybe you are?" Andy suggested, his expression thoughtful. "I mean, maybe they aren't just simply dreams. Maybe you can see into the future."

"Most of the time, it's the past. It's like I'm reliving a moment of my life. This last one was about the present time. I spoke with the ghost everyone believes haunts the De'Luxe mansion at our pack."

"The ghost?" Andy's eyes widened in alarm. "Maybe it's the ghost pulling you through time."

"Through time?" I whispered, the phrase sending a shiver down my spine. It sounded familiar, but I couldn't quite place it. Shaking my head at Andy, I admitted, "It's too early, or maybe it's too late, but I can't process any of this right now. Whatever it is, I'm sure it's tied to the Dark Forest. Once we break the curse, I know the dreams will stop," I declared, my voice filled with determination.

"Do you have any idea how to break the curse?" Andy asked innocently, and I felt a pang of nervousness. I knew one way, but I wasn't willing to resort to such drastic measures.

"Not exactly. Once we return home, I need to see Lupa in this world instead of my dreams. I know something is there for me, and she will know how to help Ruby," I explained.

"We will figure it out together," Andy reassured me with a warm smile that conveyed all his affection.

"I was meaning to ask you something," I began.

"Anything, Luna," he replied immediately.

"Stop calling me that. I've always been your Luna, and you always called me by my name. We are old friends, Andy, and I don't want that ever to change," I requested gently.

"We will always be friends... Kiera, just like you, will always be my Luna. I'm devoted to you, and so is my wolf. It's just a way to show our loyalty," Andy explained, his voice filled with sincerity.

"Then I hope you will accept my offer," I said, looking at Andy earnestly.

"You're up to something?" he asked, narrowing his eyes at me suspiciously.

"Always," I admitted with a giggle. "I was thinking that you were right."

"I'm always right," he quickly added with a smirk.

"Shut up and listen," I teased, giving him a playful shove. "I need a Beta, and I know a big reason I can't elect someone is because it feels like a betrayal to Devon. But when I think of you being my Beta, it doesn't feel like a betrayal but an honor."

"Wow!" Andy exclaimed, his hand rubbing the back of his neck nervously. "I... don't know what to say."

"Say you'll be my Beta, please," I urged, offering him a reassuring smile. However, he seemed less than thrilled with the suggestion.

"I know you're a Delta, and feeling apprehensive is natural," I continued, sensing his hesitation. "I promise I won't ask too much of you or push you to do anything you don't feel comfortable with. I want my head Beta to be head warrior, too. The brothers had their faults, but they got a lot right, too. Breaking everyone into groups..."

Andy held his hand up to stop me from speaking, his expression conflicted.

"What's wrong? It's okay if you don't want to accept," I said, feeling a flush of embarrassment creeping into my cheeks. I had thought he would be a good fit for the position and that he would jump at the opportunity.

"Can I speak candidly?" Andy asked, his tone serious.

"Of course, friends above all else," I promised him, feeling a knot of apprehension forming in my stomach.

"You're breaking all these rules, throwing out the rule book, and resetting our hierarchy, right?" he questioned, his expression thoughtful.

"You're saying that like it's a bad thing. I thought we all wanted this?" I responded, feeling a pang of fear at the possibility that my pack didn't want a Luna to rule them but an Alpha.

"It's not a bad thing. Look..." Andy paused, rubbing the back of his neck again. "You already have an amazing Beta at your side. Break the sexist perception beyond just Alpha and Luna."

"I don't... understand," I admitted, feeling a mixture of confusion and realization washing over me. "You're right! Goddess, I'm such an idiot," I exclaimed, embarrassed.

"I didn't say all that. You're pretty amazing, in my opinion," Andy replied with a chuckle, his eyes twinkling with amusement.

"Not as amazing as you. Thank you, Andy," I said sincerely, leaning in to kiss his cheek."And Becky would make an amazing Beta. I'll ask her first thing in the morning."

"She will be thrilled, and I know our pack would love to have her as their second," Andy agreed, nodding in approval.

"I think so, too," I agreed with a nod.

"Why don't I walk you back to your bed? You need to get some real sleep before we head out tomorrow," Andy offered, concern evident in his voice.

"That's okay. I want to stay with Karen until she wakes. I know it sounds silly, but I feel like being here helps her," I explained, feeling a sense of duty towards my pack mate.

"You're her Luna, of course, it helps. Goodnight," Andy said, giving me a wink as he walked to the door.

Andy was a good friend, and he fit best as our lead Delta. I smiled, realizing I had my first in line all set. The Crescent Haven pack would officially have a Luna, Beta, and Delta tomorrow, perfect timing for our soon return home.

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