(GN) Ch. 112 - Back Home

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Kiera POV

"We're ready to move out, Luna," Frank, a man once my adversary, respectfully bowed his head as he addressed me. I observed him with curiosity, pondering how life had led us to this point.

"Thank you. We depart in 5 minutes. Have your soldiers left provisions for the villagers here?" I inquired.

"Yes, Luna. Last night, we managed to hunt four deer and at least a dozen squirrels. It required venturing quite far, but this meat should sustain them for a while," Frank assured me.

"Excellent. Hopefully, we can send additional resources to those who choose to remain," I remarked, sighing as I zipped up my bag and slung it over my shoulder.

At each stop, we extended offers of safe passage to those seeking refuge at my former pack house, leaving whatever supplies we could spare for those who stayed behind. It was the best solution available for now.

My concern lay not only with the threat of starvation but also the possibility of raiders targeting the vulnerable. Yet, until we could reclaim and fortify our territory, I lacked the manpower to provide adequate protection for those we left behind.

"You're doing more for these people than anyone has before," Elizabeth remarked as she entered, her brown hair tightly bound in a bun, clad in the North military uniform.

"I wish we could offer them safety," I sighed, giving her a nod to signal my readiness before walking to the edge of the territory.

"You've provided them safety within your pack. Those who didn't join you have chosen their own path. It's their decision and not your responsibility," Elizabeth reassured me.

"I know, but I can't shake the worry for those we left behind," I admitted.

"We didn't abandon them. They made their choice to stay," Elizabeth countered firmly.

"You're right. Still, it's hard knowing others are struggling or could fall victim to ambushes and enslavement," I replied, my fists clenching. The thought of auction houses existing alongside us filled me with fury. "The moment we solidify our pack, I want to send troops out to put an end to all of this," I declared, feeling a burning determination to eradicate such atrocities.

For the next two days, we journeyed as a cohesive unit, with five men carrying Karen on a stretcher. By the second night, she had regained enough strength to travel on her own, transforming into her wolf form and exuding a newfound vitality.

Over a hundred werewolves joined our ranks along our path, their eyes reflecting genuine hope. While much remained to be rectified, I sensed we were progressing toward a semblance of true peace.

As we finally approached the border of the former Nightmare pack territory, I paused, sensing the weight of history. Behind me, the group came to a standstill, awaiting my lead.

But words eluded me. A solemn sight greeted us at the edge of the rainforest—a mound of earth with a charred bonfire at its center. Here, I had confronted my husband's fated mate, where she had woven her deceitful webs in an attempt to undermine my leadership.

Back then, I was so sure of myself, so confident in my role as Jackson's Luna. But at this moment, facing the remnants of my past, I couldn't ignore how remarkably naive I had been. I was just a nineteen-year-old girl thrust into a position of leadership that I was ill-prepared for.

Jackson and his parents had painted me as something I wasn't, elevating me to heights I couldn't maintain. In reality, I was nothing more than a pawn in my Alpha's game of manipulation.

"You okay?" Becky's voice broke through my thoughts, her presence a reassuring anchor at my side.

"Yeah, it's just... surreal," I admitted softly.

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