Ch. 23 - Humiliation

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Kiera POV

Jackson knelt before me, but my vision was too blurry to make him out completely. His hand grabbed my hair, ripping my head back to look at him. The hate and disgust in his eyes made me dizzy.

"If I knew you liked it so rough, I would have had way more fun with you before." I felt his suffocating power and how every ounce of him wanted to rip me apart.

I didn't care how hurt Jackson felt, though. I didn't care that I took another man and bruised his ego. Remembering how Chase looked at me, though, made my stomach turn with acid. He had the same look of betrayal that Jackson had right now. It cut right through me.

My hands fisted the little fat I had on my stomach, feeling a burning pain simmering in my soul. Something was tearing through me, and I had no idea what was happening. Then, the pain burst inside me, tearing pieces of my insides apart.

My screams came out of me like a banshee, and I twisted the skin on my body. The pain was so severe I wanted to rip my own heart out. I begged for Athena to come forward. I could feel her trying, but it only pained me more.

"Put her in her new home." Jackson kicked my body from his. I hit the shelves, and books fell on top of me. I couldn't move, though. My body felt like it was on fire, skin coated with sweat and muscles shredding apart.

"She needs a doctor, Jackson." Devon's voice made me whimper. I had no one in this world, and I was going to die right here in a ball of misery with nothing, not even my wolf.

"She needs to rest, and that is all. Alpha Chase probably poisoned her."

"And if she dies?" Devon counter.

"She is in pain, but it won't be the death of her. After what she did, I won't show her any kindness. Do you have a problem with that, Devon?" I could hear the anger in Jackson's tone. Did he think Devon would help me? Even I knew better than that.

"I don't care what you do to her, but if she dies, it will weaken you. These Dark Wolves got their names for more than one reason, and now we know what."

"What is that?" Clueless Jackson asked. Even in my state, I saw the shadows bend to Chase's wolf.

"The dark forest they call home is not as dead as we thought." Devon moved beside me and snatched my arm in his grip. "I'll take care of the little whore. You need to protect yourself until she heals, and we know that you're at full strength."

"I'll be in my tower. Make sure she suffers." Jackson spat his hatred on me, then left.

"You bastard!" I barely made the words out.

"Not a word, Kiera!" Devon demanded, then dragged me out of the library. My feet tripped over the other as I passed by most of my pack members. One more humiliation for me to swallow. One more reason for the people who once vowed their lives to me to turn their backs.

My sight moved in and out, my feet slid along the floor, and then suddenly, I felt the chill of the dungeons brush my skin. I must have fainted because I felt myself in someone's arms. A soft voice whispered for me to stay strong. I wanted to be strong. I tried to fight. I had nothing left inside me, though.

"Rest Kiera. It'll be over soon." I felt lips on my forehead and scrunched my eyebrows in confusion. Was that Devon, or was this a wishful dream that someone actually cared?

I heard the doors lock shut, and the cold air coated my body like a wet blanket. My inside shivered, and I used all my energy trying to reach out to Athena. It was hopeless, and I truly gave up.

Only a few months ago, I married the man I thought was everything to me. I signed my life away, and now I saw no escape. I can't live this way.

My whole life, everyone said how strong I was. They were wrong. Athena was powerful, but me, I was weak and useless. I was empty inside, and all I wished for was for this to be my end.

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