(GN) Ch. 103 - Long Journey

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Kiera POV

"Are you ok?" Becky asked for the hundredth time.

"I'm fine," I said through the pain.

Three rejections in one day were too much for me. I tried to bury the agony that cracked my bones and ripped apart my muscles, but it was eating away at my soul. The look of all three brothers was etched in my brain. I crippled them, left them too weak to hold their own for days.

"We can go back. The South isn't going anywhere, Luna." Andy was now on my right side.

"No, we can't go back," I said confidently.

If I went back, I would never leave. My bond with them was too strong. The pain I felt was enough to make me give in. I knew if I accepted them, then all this would wash away, but then I would be bound to them forever.

"At least let one of us carry you." Andy pleaded with me. I was barely walking on my own. Each step felt like my tendons would shred apart.

"I know you are all concerned. I'm fine, though. The rejection will pass, and we will be at our strongest again." I stopped walking to look at them both.

My eyes squinted as I saw men in the distance. "What is that?" I pointed out towards the woods.

Everyone quickly surrounded me. Pride swelled inside me how they moved to protect me, but I needed my strength so I could protect them. I was their Luna, and I can't be weak.

"Approach slowly, or die," I yelled out.

Hundreds of women and men moved from the shadows and from behind trees into view. One man, a face I knew too well, walked in front.

"Why are you here, Frank?" I nearly rolled my eyes at him.

"The Alphas ordered us to protect our Luna." He stood tall and spoke proudly.

I looked at Andy with confusion, and he shrugged his shoulders. "I'm not your Luna. I'm not part of the North."

Frank took a few more steps towards me. Andy and Becky stepped in front, ready to defend against any threat.

"You are still our rightful Luna," Frank stated.

I shook my head at him. Why would Drake leave them defenseless? I had enough of my own soldiers to take the South. "The Alphas are weakened. They need you more than I do. They are still your Alphas."

"Yes, they are, and Alpha Drake promised to eat our hearts out if we allowed any harm to come to you. We can't return home without you, Luna." He bowed his head to me, and I sighed. Drake was an idiot.

"Fine, but stay in the back and be prepared to take orders from me. Any defiance, and I will eat your heart out." I didn't sound very threatening because, honestly, that was disgusting. Who eats other people's hearts?

"Of course, Luna." Frank bowed his head to me again, then moved his soldiers to the back of the group.

"Well, at least Jackson's death will be swift now." Becky lightly laughed, turning to intertwine her arm in mine. "Lean on me, and let me help you through this." She whispered. I gave her an appreciative nod and continued. I worried for the brothers, but I had a mission to save my people that had to come first.

Walking was one of the most challenging tasks I ever endured. It would be easier to shift, but Athena was completely silent inside me. I felt her presence, and I felt her waning strength. She curled into the deepest part of my soul to heal without burdening me with her pain. She lost her soul mates, and I knew she would never be the same again.

By the next night, my body was already healing to a point where it didn't hurt to breathe. Athena was still weak inside me, though. We made it miles from the Dark Wolves pack house, and every step I drew further from them felt like a sharp tug on my heart.

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