Ch. 70 - Gathering My Forces

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Kiera POV

"The three of you? This is some test then! I can't believe you!" I shouted, standing to my feet and shaking the lust these men evoked inside my body. "Do you really think I would accept you? That I would be foolish enough to let myself be some house wife and nothing more? I don't want a mate, or a husband, and I definitely won't ever take an Alpha at my side again!"

The brothers both whined lightly in their chest. They were so confusing, but I didn't care to figure them out.

"Relax, doll. We were just trying to get you worked up." Drake stood in front of me, his hurt masked by anger. "You are a beautiful creature that any man would desire, and any man would say whatever he could to get in your pants."

"Fuck you, Drake!" I can't believe he just said that to me. He was no better than River.

Chase stood, his eyes scanning over my tense body. "I don't share the same disregard of you as my brothers. You are sexy, and in all the right ways, but I want way more than to just get in your pants." He leaned forward, lips coming to my cheek.

My hands slammed into his chest to push him away, but he already saw it coming. His hands wrapped around my wrist, holding my fingers over his hard chest. He felt so strong under my skin.

"Leave me alone! All three of you arrogant Alphas can go to hell." I sneered, anger coming off of me in waves, but Chase just held my hands on his chest and smiled to me. He always looked at me with amusement, like he knew something I didn't.

"That would be impossible, Cherie. I desire only you." He leaned closer again and laid a soft kiss to my cheek. I was so pissed at the both of them, but it was hard to resist the comfort they gave me.

"I want you, but I would never force you." His nose lightly traced my jaw, taking in a deep scent of my arousal I was desperately trying to force away. "I can be patient, baby, because I know one day you will be begging me to taste you again, mmm, you'll want me to fill you and take every piece of you as mine." His eyes turned black, Loki begging him for control.

Drake growled behind us, reaching for my body to pull me into his. "She will bow to me before she ever bows to you." He warned, both their wolves fighting to take control and claim me. I struggled in their arms, their hands grabbing at my limps and skin to have all of me.

"Stop!" I shouted, my foot coming down hard on Chase's foot, then my knee going straight between Drake's legs.

Drake grabbed himself and bent in half as he grunted in pain. "Fuck Kiera!" He whined.

"I'm not some toy for you to fight over. Play whatever games you want, but I will not submit to any of you."

"I'm sorry, Cherie. Our wolves lost control for just a second."

"Lost control? You were trying to rip my arms off my body. This isn't how I want to be treated, and neither of you is who I want to spend my life with."

I could see how my words cut right through them. Drake growled and Chase whined.

"Cherie, please, we just want to be close to you." He innocently said, but this was too bizarre for me. I couldn't wrap my head around anything between us because it simply didn't make any sense.

"Then earn the right to be with me instead of forcing it!" I spat out to them. My disgust thick in the air how they believed I was theirs with no choice in the matter.

"You have training to get to." Drake grunted, turning from my disappointed eyes at them.

"Yeah, I do. Do me a favor and stay the fuck away from me. You have a whole world to conquer, remember. Go do dick Alpha bullshit and let me train my people to do what is actually right in this world." I turned from them and stormed out.

As I hurried down the hall my eyes caught River. He stood not far from us, probably listening to us fighting. His back was to the wall, and an expression on his face that said he was losing control.

"I don't have time for this." I crossed my arms as I approached him. "Either lock me up or leave me alone. I'm tired of your games, River."

"And I'm tired of your mouth." He growled down at me, eyes seering into my skull. "Everything was as planned until you showed up. Leave the fucking North before I make you stay forever."

His words felt like sharp ice cutting through my body. My presence was driving him insane, and I actually felt guilty for causing them such discord. How could that be possible though? "Go for a run Chaos. You're stronger than this." I shook my head at him and walked away.

Even if I was the one causing them all this mayhem, I was just one person. They were triplets, bound as one, and the strongest Alphas to ever exist. They needed to focus as much as I did.

Walking to barracks and then out towards the training grounds I contemplated what the brothers were to me. Everything pointed towards the pull of fated mates, but we didn't feel the bond. It had to be the dark forest. The magic inside of it was forcing us together, driving our desires. What other explanation could there be why I even allowed two men to have my body at the same time? I never once thought of the possibility. It was always one man I dreamt of having me. Unfortunately, that one man was Jackson.

"Luna, we are at your command." Andy bowed and the hundreds of people before me stood attention. I looked over all the werewolves and pride welled inside me.

'This is where we belong!' Athena proudly said inside me. We were lost in life, lost in who were supposed to be, but these people relied on us. We had a responsibility to them, and that should outweigh whatever messed up desires I had for the Alpha brothers.

"Then, let's begin." I wickedly smiled.

Four hours of grueling training left the masses in a sweaty mess. Bones broken and skin ripped apart, but not a single one complained. They knew I had reasons to train as hard as we did, and they would follow me in any battle.

"You are free for the day." I announced and the sighs of relief almost maybe be giggle. "You all did well today, showing me we are a force even the dark magics of the forest should fear. You will continue to train, push your body pasts its limit and become a force that never has to bow to another, not even an Alpha." The crowd cheered in encouragement and then began to disperse.

"Andy! Gather the ladies for a meeting at the barracks. We have a mission of great importance and a life that needs to be protected." I ordered him.

"On it, Luna. Meet you there in ten."

"Make it an hour. Eat and shower. We all need a clear head to make my plan work."

"Thank you." He nodded his head and left.

I watched over all the people, chatting and laughing as they discussed the craziness of today's training session. I even heard a few from my pack speak of how hard I pushed them back home. I never realized how much they appreciated my rough lessons. Everyone, even omegas, wanted to feel like they had enough power to control their lives. We needed a change in how werewolves simply bowed to those born above them. Alpha's needed to earn their right to lead and not be given the lives of people simply because of their blood line.

"That was intense, Cherie." Chase spoke behind me and I immediately growled out. I needed space from them!

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