(GN) Ch. 129 - Future Expectations

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Kiera POV

"Becky, you found a path?" I asked the second I stepped through the doors. I needed to clear my head of the brothers and refocus.

"Yes, Luna. Andy and Elizabeth already have the soldiers outside training. We planned an early dinner, then a short nap before we headed out."

I looked out the window and noticed the sun wasn't yet up. "What time is it?" I realized we had our little sexual encounter before dinner last night, then slept for hours.

"Three am," Becky affirmed.

"Oh, really," I responded in shock.

"Our Luna lost track of time last night. She was in a bit of a haze." Chase chuckled. I think finally accepting each other broke the exhaustion inside all of us.

"Chase!" I glared at him.

"What? It's true!" He stood, walked to my side, and then kissed my neck sensually. I had to bite back a moan. He felt so good. I don't think the need to be with them will ever fade.

"Sit, Cherie. I'll get you some food." He spoke softly as he pulled out my chair. "You too, brother." Chase winked at River.

"None of you are marked. Did you finish the rejection?" Becky asked.

"No, and we won't," River growled. "She is ours!" He demanded with such ferocity I felt my pack members shake in fear.

"River, be nice." I simply stated, then turned my attention to Becky after he grunted at me. "Show me the blueprints," I asked her.

We spent two hours going over the route. We would enter underground about four miles from the front gate of the Green Forest pack, then come in through their dungeons. The brothers argued that I wanted to stand in front, but I wasn't wavering from that decision. I knew I could stall Jackson while they fled if anything went wrong.

"We will leave five hundred warriors here to guard our pack house. I want most of them right outside and a few scattered inside. All those that can't fight should be inside and protected."

"Jackson won't be foolish enough to take on our territory. He knows he can't win." Becky offered, but I didn't trust him. He would do whatever he thought was necessary to push me into a corner.

"I'll be more focused on the task if I know everyone here is safe," I said, and Becky nodded in agreement.

"Ok, I'll reassign some of our warriors to stay home. You should prepare for tonight. We leave in sixteen hours." Becky wrapped up the meeting, and we all had our jobs to do.

"Cherie, please reconsider this," Chase whined as he and his brothers followed me to the nursery. I needed to see Ruby before I left. I knew she was only a baby and wouldn't understand I was leaving for a short while, but I still felt it was right.

"I won't, so let's not waste time fighting."

"It's foolish," River added.

"It's not foolish. You guys just don't want me front and center."

"Of course, we don't, Doll," Drake added. "You're the Luna. You shouldn't even be going."

I stopped walking and glared at all three of them. "Excuse me! I shouldn't be going? Tell me, Alphas, have you ever stood at the front lines?"

The brothers looked at each other, sensing my growing tension. "Yes, always. We aren't cowards." River said proudly.

"But I should be? Or do you think I'm too weak to handle myself in a battle?"

"Doll, you're misunderstanding our intentions. We know you are strong enough, but we are your Alphas. It's our duty to protect and provide for you. It's ingrained in every fiber of our being."

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